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在海里翻一个跟斗?Turn a somersault in the sea.

杂技演员翻了个筋斗。The acrobat turned a somersault.

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他在空中翻了一个筋斗。He turned a somersault in the air.

我在草地上翻了个跟头。I turned a somersault on the lawn.

你知道如何翻筋斗吗?Do you know how to do a somersault.

她一下子就翻了一个跟头。She performed a somersault with ease.

我妹妹翻了一个筋斗。My younger sister turned a somersault.

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他翻了个漂亮的后翻跟头。He did a brilliant backward somersault.

体操空翻动作之一。One of gymnastics somersault movements.

我喜欢倒立,我会翻筋斗。I like standing on my head! I can do a somersault.

至少做一个主管什么的,工资便能翻个跟斗。Do at least one charge, wages can turn a somersault.

他跳到空中翻了一个小筋斗。And he leapt into the air and did a little somersault.

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他们一跃而下、连翻筋斗、一次次冲锋。They fall, somersault and get punched again and again.

小兔快乐地在床上打起了滚,翻起了筋斗。Bunny playing happily in bed rolls, flips a somersault.

“在海里翻一个跟斗?”假海龟叫道。Turn a somersault in the sea. " cried the mock turtle ."

“筋斗”是中国毯子功的基本技艺。Somersault is the basic technique of Chinese blanket kungfu.

我们玩得非常高兴,有一次我还在水里翻了一个跟头呢!We had a good time. And I had taken a somersault in the water.

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团身侧空翻三周是一个高难度动作。The side somersault is a stunt in three circuits to bunch up the body.

这句短语并非来自希腊文学,它最初是在14世纪被用来表示侧手翻。It was first used in the 14thcentury to mean turning a cartwheel or somersault.

而这句短语并非源于希腊文学,它最初是在14世纪被用来表示侧手翻。It was first used in the 14th century to mean turning a cartwheel or somersault.