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是的,我就是了不起!Yep. I just kick ass.

他也打了我的屁股。He slapped my ass too.

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驴感到很得意,他高声地嘶叫,却被人认了出来。The ass felt quite proud.

他欠了一屁股的债。He's up his ass in debt now.

他一屁股跌倒下来。Then falls right on his ass.

牛羊驴马环绕身旁?Where ox and ass are feeding?

他是一个色厉内荏的人。He is an ass in a lion's skin.

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太阳把我的屁股晒的暖烘烘的。The sun shines warm on my ass.

和风怎能骑在驴身上?How could a zephyr ride an ass?

你个婊子养的杂种,要不亲我的屁股吧?Son of bitch. Kiss my ass , OK?

如果你没有败的一塌糊涂呢?What if you don't lose your ass?

设想你没有输掉裤衩会怎样?What if you don’t lose your ass?

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别瞎拨弄这台电脑。Don't ass about with the computer.

交的最响的驴吃的起码。The ass that brays most eats least.

叫的最响的驴吃的最少。The ass that brays most eats least.

莉萨认为她的上司是个粗人。Lisa thinks that her boss is an ass.

每只驴子都爱听自己叫。Every ass loves to hear himself bray.

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对,对,不过在美国你只是个蠢蛋!Well, in America, you're just an ass.

我可不要把它们塞我屁股里。I'm not putting these pills up my ass.

不过杰西卡的美臀又拯救了这一幕。Luckily Jessica’s ass saves this scene.