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它只是一堆令人费解的符号。It’s just a bunch of gobbledygook symbols.

这些话当然是官样文章。Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole.

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这些话自然是官样文章。Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole.

配有十六进制数字冗长名称的文件带给您什么内容。Which brings you to the files with the hex digit gobbledygook names.

他但凡提出疑问,得到的回答全是华尔街的官样文章。When he asked questions, the answers came back in Wall Street gobbledygook.

当人们用冗长而无意义的词进行交谈或书写时,我们称之为官样文章。When people talk or write using long, fancy words that really mean nothing, we call it gobbledygook.

BBC的一台喜剧节目“W1A”将国家广播电台中善于推卸责任的管理者以及该组织内的官样文章披露给民众。BBC comedy, "W1A", sends up blame-shifting managers and corporate gobbledygook at the nation's broadcaster.

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所以,当不诚实的政客想用“无价值的琐事”去“哄骗”群众时,他通常会用“官样文章”来敷衍。So, when the dishonest politician wants to hornswoggle the public with a boondoggle, he usually explains things in gobbledygook.

简易语言的倡导者和实践者将蚕食顽固的深奥难懂的法律语言和其他形式的官样文章这道“铁幕”。Plain-language advocates and practitioners will nibble at the iron curtain of the tenacious legalese and other forms of gobbledygook.

在刘易斯•卡罗尔写书的年代,“官样文章”一词还没有造出来,但是如果当时已经有这个词的话,卡罗尔会知道它的确切含义的。When Lewis Carroll was writing his books the word gobbledygook had not been invented yet, but Carroll would have known exactly what it meant.

一名法官向政府指出,政府在法庭上的辩辞是“冗长的废话”并请其律师回到他的办公室去“咯咯大笑”。One judge told the government its courtroom arguments were " gobbledygook " and invited its lawyer to return to his office and "have a big chuckle".

有些联合国的支持者所提出的“强势的多边主义,”我无以名之,只有说是天真的外交空话。The concept of "assertive multilateralism" being advanced by some supporters of the United Nations can only be described as naive diplomatic gobbledygook.

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其中之一是完善、推广图形用户界面,你知道,这个东西意味着人们不必在绿色屏幕上键入复杂指令才能使用电脑了。One of them involved perfecting and popularizing the graphical user interface -- you know, the thing that meant you didn't have to type gobbledygook onto a green screen to use a computer.

那是因为克莱斯勒变为私有企业后,就不需要那么多的季度报告、盈利指导、华尔街的压力和官样文章。That's because by taking Chrysler private there will be no more quarterly reports, no more earnings guidance, no more Wall Street pressure, and especially none of that Sarbanes-Oxley gobbledygook.