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艾伦是一个非常高峻的男孩。Allen is a very tall boy.

艾伦向他的中巴车跑去。Allen ran for his mini-bus.

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艾伦的书比我的还多。Allen has more books than I.

艾伦接近他的小猫。Allen reaches for his kitty.

艾伦·杜勒斯的中情局身份证CIA ID Card for Allen W. Dulles

艾伦从不爬上高的树木。Allen would never climb a tall tree.

艾伦甚至从不试着去滑滑梯。Allen would never even try to slide.

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艾伦太太是他们的邻居。Mrs. Allen was one of their neighbors.

唯一例外的是小艾。Only notable exception is Allen Iverson.

我转身一看,竟是艾伦·金斯堡。I turned around and it was Allen Ginsberg.

我因娈童而在蒙古国遭到通缉。ALLEN I'm wanted for pederasty in Mongolia.

“我们必须重新开始,”阿伦说。"We had to start from scratch," says Allen.

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1982年,艾伦患上霍奇金淋巴瘤。In 1982 Allen contracted Hodgkin's lymphoma.

先生来过电话,明上午11开会。Allen called. Wants a meeting tomorrow at 11.

不过谢尔曼和艾伦将实验更深入了一步。But Sherman and Allen took it a step farther.

科比和费舍尔将会压倒雷阿伦和龙多。Bryant and Fisher will dominate Allen and Rondo.

祝大家有一个安全而快乐的万圣节。我是阿伦斯密斯。Have a safe and happy Halloween. I'm Allen Smith.

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艾伦上周有点小恙,不过今天他感觉好多了。Allen was sick last week, but now he feels better.

艾伦上周病了,但是现在他好多了。Allen was sick last week, but now he fells better.

人为什么要杀生他为了有吃的,而且不仅仅是吃的,很多情况下还得有喝的This is captured in this little quote by Woody Allen.