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这葡萄酒酿造于一九○九年。The wine is of 1909 vintage.

我喜欢古着购物。I like to go vintage shopping.

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武术队的丰收日!The Vintage Day of the Wushu team!

这是一辆造于一九一七年的古老而珍贵的车。This is a vintage car made in 1917.

赫柏是古董车的收藏家。Herb is a collector of vintage cars.

事实上我比较倾向真正古典型的车。I actually prefer real vintage cars.

照片是我父亲拍摄的昔日的纽约。The picture is vintage NY by my dad.

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老车藏在一间车房里。The vintage car was housed in a barn.

我尤其喜欢老式的服饰,and I love vintage clothes especially

五十年代的魅力适合老式的狐狸精。Fifties glamour fit for a vintage vixen.

骆驼毛地毯也是旧物件。The camel hair carpet is a vintage find.

每年秋天我都开着我的老福特车旅游。I travel in our vintage Ford every autumn.

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在中国,人们不保存旧衣服。In China, they don't have vintage clothes.

冠军的早餐是老式冯内古特。Breakfast Of Champions is vintage Vonnegut.

我也不知道,不过,天啊,看这些照片,这些熊多么复古!I don't know either, but OMG VINTAGE BEARS!

我喜欢经常穿一些复古服装。I like to often just wear vintage clothing.

老式风格的家具更有味道。Make vintage furnishings part of your style.

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伦敦因其复古时尚而出名。London is well-known for its vintage fashion.

我喜欢那些复古的衣物。I love all those like vintage clothing things.

当然那里有些老店可逛。Then, of course, there are the vintage stores.