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他说,让他的卡车从港口开到班吉是需要勇气的。He said it takes courage to get his trucks from the port to Bangui.

首都班吉的居民吉米•恩泽克说,人们盼望法国能派更多军队。A resident of the capital Bangui says people there want more French troops.

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Serdouma博士领导着班吉社区医院具有144张床位的产科病房。Dr Serdouma heads the 144-bed maternity ward at the Bangui community hospital.

还向班吉郊区Boeing的水灾受害者提供了急救医疗物资。First-aid medical supplies were also brought to flood victims in the Bangui suburb of Boeing.

记者称大马士革的战斗仍在继续,班基的气氛很紧张。Our reporter says fighting is continuing in Demara and that the atmosphere in Bangui is very tense.

经位于班吉的巴斯德研究所国家实验室检测,3例为黄热病IgM阳性。Three cases were positive for yellow fever IgM at the National Laboratory in the Institute Pasteur of Bangui.

在雨季,在重新设置了雨栅之后,客车要走两个星期才能到达班吉。During the rainy season and ever since rain barriers were reinstalled, trucks take two weeks to travel to Bangui.

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聪明的韩赛尔趁爸妈都睡了以后,偷偷的跑到院子,捡了许多石子放在口袋里。Bangui smart, while after the parents were asleep, secretly went to the yard, pick up a lot of stones in my pocket.

专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到班吉特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Bangui.

世卫组织驻班吉办事处在2001-2003年的战争中遭到劫掠,但没有撤出中非共和国。WHO's offices in Bangui were looted and razed to the ground in the 2001–2003 wars, but it did not withdraw from the Central African Republic.

这个小原住民区位于刚果北部偏远地区的班吉河岸,生活在这里的人们在为某件事做庆典。For this small indigenous community living along the banks of the Bangui river in a remote part of northern Congo, there is cause for celebration.

苏丹的喀土穆、刚果的布拉扎维和黒角、中非共和国的班吉和巴格达一起排在最后。Khartoum in Sudan, Brazzaville and Pointe Noire, both in the Congo, and Bangui in the Central African Republic join Baghdad at the bottom of the list.

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巴格达排名再次垫底,此外,排在榜单倒数几位的依次为中非共和国首都班吉、乍得首都恩贾梅纳、苏丹首都喀土穆和格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯。Baghdad ranked 221st, remaining at the bottom of the list.It was followed by Bangui in the Central African Republic, N'Djamena in Chad, Khartoum in Sudan and Tbilisi in Georgia.

巴格达排名垫底,此外,排在榜单倒数几位的依次为中非共和国首都班吉、乍得首都恩贾梅纳、苏丹首都喀土穆和格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯。Baghdad ranked 221st, remaining at the bottom of the list. It was followed by Bangui in the Central African Republic, N'Djamena in Chad, Khartoum in Sudan and Tbilisi in Georgia.

由于班簋不知何时何地出土,长期以来,学者对班簋及虢城公其人所属时代的考释颇有争议。Owing to the uncertainty of BanGui being unearthed, there have been lots of debates on the existence age of BanGui and the Duck of Guo-State from all scholars since long time ago.

排名垫底的三座城市中,除巴格达外,还有中非共和国的班吉和刚果共和国首都布拉扎维。Zurich, Geneva and Vancouver made the top three in the list while Bangui in the Central African Republic and Brazzaville , the capital of Congo Republic, joined Baghdad in the bottom three.

中非共和国政府军称阻止了叛军向首都班基挺进,驻该市的BBC记者称看到一架军事直升机飞离该市。Government forces in the Central African Republic say they have halted a rebel advance towards the capital Bangui. A BBC reporter in the city said he saw a military helicopter heading out of the city.