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有人在捶门呢。Someone is thumping at the door.

她激动得心怦怦直跳。Her heart was thumping with emotion.

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我相信一定有人听得到我砰砰的心跳声。I was positive someone could hear my heart thumping.

狮城最大的音乐聚会,将近一周不间断!It's a mega week of heart thumping music in the Lion City!

可爱的露辛达还得给那家婚介所一张金额庞大的支票。LL also had to write a thumping great cheque to the dating agency.

它弯下脑袋,红色的长尾巴开始拍打地面。He bowed his head and his long, red tail started thumping the ground.

这次不仅我一个人听到了大灰狼尾巴的砰砰声。This time I wasn't theone who heard the thumping of the lobo 's tail.

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我靠不断付出自身劳动而生活,彻夜无眠,极度惊慌。I lived a life of constant sweat, sleepless nights, and thumping heartbeats.

当她20年前偶然看到那则启事后,便怦然心动。When she occasionally read the announcement 20 years ago, her heart kept thumping.

我们开始往鼓上丢钱,鼓发出咚、咚、咚的声音。We began to throw money on the drum , and the drum made a thump, thump, thumping sound.

雷纳代表西班牙踢了下半场比赛,西班牙在维也纳5-1大胜澳大利亚。Pepe Reina played the second-half of Spain's thumping 5-1 victory over Austria in Vienna.

然而,记录下袋鼠脚步的重击声显然是一项突破。However, a recording of a 'roo thumping its foot appears to have been quite a breakthrough.

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事实上很多保守人士到现在还仍然用此观点来为麦凯恩摇旗呐喊。In fact some conservatives still thumping the tub for McCain are making just this argument.

正时链条或皮带可能会拍击正时带罩,发出重击声或摩擦声。The timing chain or belt can slap against the cover, producing a thumping or scraping sound.

他们被安切洛蒂和弗格森的球员总共打了个10-2,堪称晕头转向落花流水。Arsenal must be dazed after the 10-2 thumping from Carlo Ancelotti and Sir Alex Ferguson's teams.

但好在他用手阻止了翻滚变成了笨拙的滑跌。Somehow he managed to break his tumble with his hands and turn it into a clumsy thumping cartwheel.

布兰的心脏砰砰狂跳,推开一堆及腰的漂浮物,奔至兄长身旁。Bran's heart was thumping in his chest as he pushed through a waist-high drift to his brothers' side.

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只简单地想像一个在各你的肩间爬行的蜘蛛能引起出汗和迅速的心巨大的。Simply imagining a spider crawling across your shoulders can cause sweating and rapid heart thumping.

费尔南德斯19分钟的强有力的头球帮助罗马尼亚冠军在布加勒斯特球场先声夺人。Bruno Fernandes' thumping header put the Romanian champions into a 19th minute lead at the Steaua Stadium.

比赛进行到第73分钟时,他用铁匠锤头般的前额将球顶进,这种势大力沉的得分方式是他的典型代表作。His thumping goal, the forehead used like a blacksmith's hammer in the 73rd minute, was typical of the man.