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但什么是最优的政体?But what is the best regime?

有哪一种政体是最好的吗?Is there a single best regime?

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我们是社会主义政权。we were under a communist regime.

政体“是个熟悉的字眼。The term "regime" is a familiar one.

政体永远都是很特别的东西。The regime is always something particular.

那个政权不再惩罚人民了。The regime was no longer punishing people.

所谓割据,必须是武装的。An independent regime must be an armed one.

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取得时效制度是一项古老的法律制度。Usucaption regime is an ancient law system.

多数的政体是啥?何谓政体政治?What are regimes? What are regime politics?

但当然最优的政体并不实际。But of course the best regime lacks actuality.

在长期看来,他是金氏王朝的掘墓人。He is digging his regime in for the long term.

它可以在屏幕政权头盔。It can work in the regime of screen headpiece.

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我们的制度就是漏洞,穆斯林就是脏水。Our regime is the leak, the Muslims the water.

关于我们的政体柏拉图教导了些什么?What does Plato teach us about our own regime?

在1789年,讽刺漫画家就开始嘲笑当时的古老政权。Caricaturists mocked the ancien régime in 1789.

我违反了这个政权的老例。I was violating one of the rules of the regime.

他的政权正在瓦解并全线崩溃。His regime is falling apart and in full retreat.

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最终,满族的入侵结束了明朝的统治。Finally, a Manchu invasion ended the Ming regime.

北朝鲜是个小霸王,他们的制度该修理了。North Korea is a bully and needs a regime change.

默罕默德瞧不起萨达姆侯赛因的暴虐政权。Muhammad despised Saddam Hussein's despotic regime.