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等等,等等。Etc., etc.

等等,等等,等等。etc., etc.

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再重新研究,等等Look again, etc., etc.

正学经济?Studying economics, etc.?

高岭土、芥子末等泥罨剂。A kaolin, mustard, ETC poultice.

刀锋等人与阿虎继续前行。Blade etc man and AHu continued.

发出叹息声、痛苦的叫喊声等。Utter a sigh , cry of pain, etc.

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比如新的圣堂武士,新的法师。A new templar, new cabalist, etc.

你的生活,情况等等如何?How is your life, situation, etc?

像反夸克,反质子等等。Thus, antiquark, antiproton, etc.

可在网上浏览的视频文件等。Web-browsing of video files, etc.

抽搐的动作、发作等。A convulsive movement, spasm, etc.

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一般家居里能种养薰衣草吗?Can we plant Lavender at home?etc.

陈腐的格言、观点等。Copy-book maxims, sentiments, etc.

潜水搅拌机,曝气器等。And submersible mixer, aerator etc.

不锈钢爱迪生镊等。Stainless steel Edison forceps etc.

临刑之际,刀锋等人及时赶到。Die of blade etc. Get there in time.

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梳理,匀场等都是例子。Carding, shimming, etc. are examples.

热锻、滚轧、热压等等。Hot forging, rolling, extrusion, etc.

混料机,压机,固化炉,显微镜等。Mixer, Press, ovens, microscope, etc.