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粮食是国民经济基础的基础。Commissariat is the foundation of national economy base.

很幸运,这个人说他是粮食局的头头。Very lucky, this person says he is the head of commissariat bureau.

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农业是国民经济的基础,粮食又是农业的基础。Agriculture is the foundation of national economy, commissariat is agricultural foundation.

只是,专业市场“粮食”储备有限,能养活的网站也不多。Just, professional market " commissariat " reserve is finite, viable website is not much also.

每个成功的多种经营项目,就是粮食经济一个新的增长点。Every successful diversified economy project, it is commissariat economy a new point of growth.

粮食安全是事关国家和地区社会稳定的重大问题。Commissariat safety is the major problem that the issue involves country and area society stability.

粮食安全水分是指粮食可以安全储存的粮食水分。Commissariat brings total moisture is to show commissariat is OK the grain moisture content that safety stores.

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强劲的需求与补贴的减少,将使国际市场上粮食价格上涨。Of driving demand and allowance decrease, will make the commissariat on the international market rises in price.

他好像力图忘怀过去的生活,只是关心他和军粮官的那个案子。He seemed to be trying to forget that old life, and to be interested only in his quarrel with the commissariat officials.

这些积极的变化,标志着恢复发展粮食生产工作取得了重要进展。These positive change, indicating it is important to restore to developed commissariat to produce the job to obtain progress.

各级粮食部门认真贯彻执行这一指示,采取有力措施,取得了一定效果。Various commissariat branch is carried out seriously implement this one directive, take strong step, obtained certain result.

然而,近年来,我国粮食播种面积、粮食总产量与人均占有量均呈下降趋势。However, in recent years, our country commissariat sows total output of area, grain and average per capita to have a quantity to all show downtrend.

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一项调查表明,由于对粮食稳定而方便的供给布满信心,城镇居民存粮意识趋于淡化。An investigation makes clear, because stable to commissariat and convenience supply is confident, town dweller puts grain consciousness to tend desalt.

但如果认真分析粮食的流通过程,就会发现,粮食问题潜忧仍在,不容乐观。But if analyse the current process of commissariat seriously, with respect to meeting discovery, grain problem goes care still is in, not allow hopeful.

近半个世纪以来,以粮食为依托的粮食流通体制改革,几经反复,也备受关注。Since nearly half century, for the commissariat that rely on with commissariat current system is reformed, after many relapse, also get attention fully.

城镇居民家庭粮食人均直接消费量也呈下降趋势,由1990年的130公斤降至1995年的97公斤。Direct consumption also shows average per capita of commissariat of town dweller family downtrend, fall by 130 kilograms of 1990 reach 97 kilograms of 1995.

我国粮食进口和北粮南运的格局要求我们建设若干个大型的粮油集散中心。The pattern that our country commissariat is imported and carries south boreal grain asks if, we are built strike a large grain oil distributing center center.

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维拉尔斯基伯爵与一个富有的俄罗斯女人结了婚,这个女人在奥廖尔省拥有几所大庄园,他在本市的军用粮站找到了一份临时性的工作。Villarsky had married a Russian heiress, who had great estates in the Orel province, and he was filling a temporary post in the commissariat department in the town.

根据俄国历史学家I.Sukhov的数据,苏俄人民国防委员会报告了14万战场之外的失踪、伤病和死亡。According to Russian historian I. Sukhov's data, the people's defense commissariat of the RSFSR-USSR reported 140 thousand missing, wounded, sick or dead outside the battlefields.

并再现了我省粮食生产发展过程中周期性循环波动、波浪式前进、螺旋式上升规律的具体循环模式。And emersion I save commissariat to produce the intermittent cycle in developing a process the specific loop mode of ascendant rule of advancement of type of fluctuant, wave, screw type.