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你可能只得一个。C You might just scrape by with a C.

搅拌它!刮刮它!揉揉它!烘烘它!Stir it! scrape it! Make it! Bake it!

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刮研主轴承轴瓦。Fit and scrape the main bearing bushes.

你想把果酱罐刮干净吗?Would you like to scrape out a jam-jar?

我来把碗碟刮干净,你来把它们放入洗碗机里。I’ll scrape and you load the dishwasher.

现在我还用它来涂身上的淤青和小擦伤。I use it now to besmear of body or scrape.

取出后放置在盘上稍势冷却。Remove and scrape onto a flat tray to cool.

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将生面团揣上五到十分钟。Scrape up dough and knead for 5 to 10 mins.

用橡皮刮刀把它们刮进豆子中。Scrape into the beans with a rubber spatula.

请勿用硬物刮划换能器。Don't scrape the transducer with hard objects.

他们只需要擦净树上的粪便。They just scrape that shit right off the tree.

他弯腰刮掉鞋子上的尘土。He bent over to scrape some dirt off his shoes.

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他不愿奉承每个顾客。He refused to bow and scrape to every customer.

你该把炉灰扒出来。You should scrape the ashes out from the furnace.

他靠当艺术家来勉强混口饭吃。He almost manages to scrape a living as an artist.

钱,他也需要钱,他也要用一切法子搞到钱。He had to have money, all he could scrape together.

再高傲的狐狸也得自己打洞。He is a proud tod that will not scrape his own hole.

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我可不想磨坏了雪橇的底面。I don't want to scrape up the bottom of my toboggan.

用刀刮去铸模杯顶部多余的铸粉。Carefully scrape excess investment from top of flask.

为了积攒学费,庆元开起了出租车。For scrape up tuition, celebrate yuan removed a taxi.