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个人电脑变成了唤起情欲的地带。The PC becomes an erogenous zone.

女人们通常认为男人只有一个性区域。Women sometimes think that men have only one erogenous zone.

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女性的身体有很多的性地带,并不只是那些显而易见的。There are many more erogenous zones in the body than the obvious!

女性的手腕一直被看作是一个最大的性感地带。Woman's wrist has always been considered one of the erogenous zones.

谁知道呢,也许你会发现一些他也不知道的性区域。Who knows, maybe you’ll find some erogenous zones he never knew he had.

但也要留心,不同的人对敏感区的反应是不一样的。Remember, everyone’s reactions to these erogenous areas will be different.

用你灵巧的手指、舌头在情欲地图上探索刺激的巅峰吧。Use variety to stimulate the areas you’re discovering in the map of erogenous zones.

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这张私密的藏宝图为探险者锁定了男女身体所有最敏感冲动的兴奋点!The secret treasure map of erogenous zones pinpoints all the juiciest spots on the human body!

探索伴侣的性敏感地带,不应该是草草了事或机械完成。Exploring your lover's erogenous zones is not something you should do quickly, or mechanically.

双子的心是敏感地带,他们的智力总是走在性冲动前面。The Gemini mind is an erogenous zone and their grey cells will always come before their gonads.

这个敏感的地带是个迴旋的形状,无法跟它的的回转地带区隔开来。The tension is always loop-shaped and cannot be separated from its return to the erogenous zone.

火热、冰爽、刺激,有的甚至能够直接挑动你最私密的性感地带。Some warm, some cool, others tingle and some even stimulate the most intimate of erogenous zones.

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在中国,突出的锁骨和修长优雅的颈项也是性感区域。A protruding collarbone and a long, elegant neck were also the focus of secondary erogenous zones in China.

甚至更为糟糕的是,只是沉溺于生殖器官的接触,他们也许会逐渐失去其他性敏感区的敏感性。Even worse, by focusing only on their genital contact, they may gradually desensitize other erogenous zones.

她的假说是这一敏感的性感知区域是天然的分娩止痛药。Her hypothesis is that this sensitive and erogenous area is one of natures natural painkillers for childbirth.

女性的外部性器官及其周围区域通常代表著女性身体最灵敏的性敏感区。A woman's external sex organs and the surrounding areas usually represent the most sensitive erogenous zones of her body.

佛洛依德认为人格发展分为五个阶段,且每个阶段都与特定的动欲区有关。Freud believed there were five stages of personality development, and each is associated with a particular erogenous zone.

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但是在食道的层次,我们提到嘴巴、嘴唇跟牙齿、提到诗人荷马所描述的牙齿的封闭。But at the erogenous level we speak of the mouth, of the lips and the teeth, of what Homer calls the enclosure of the teeth.

弗洛伊德认为人格发展,分为五个阶段,且每个阶段都与特定的动欲区有关。So, Freud believed there were five stages of personality development, and each is associated with a particular erogenous zone.

弗洛伊德认为人格发展,分为五个阶段,且每个阶段都与特定的动欲区有关。So, Freud believed there were five stages of personality development, and each is associated with a particular erogenous zone.