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我做了一个纸船。I make a.

音乐制作。Make music.

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做一个杂烩。Make a blob.

使之社交化。Make it social.

你哋令我作呕。U make me sick.

蜜蜂酿蜜。Bees make honey.

做生面团玩。Make play dough.

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所以我只好改做方便面。So I make ramen.

为了制造氨。To make ammonia.

你可以办得到。You can make it.

做一个餐垫。Make a place mat.

你真让我恶心!You make me sick!

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我能画条线。I can make a line.

让我们都来许个愿。Let's make a wish.

做一份家庭录像。Make a home video.

做手偶。Make hand puppets.

抽点时间祈祷!Make time to pray!

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可以制定计划We can make plans.

我们能制定计划。We can make plans.

我们可以一起做个“大粪”吗?Can we make a Turd?