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毕竟,秋沙鸭会离群孤飞。The sheldrake floats apart from the flock.

与此同时,弗兰正和希德瑞克在巴德的公寓里幽会。Meanwhile , Fran and Sheldrake meet at the apartment.

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在新年的前一晚,希德瑞克向巴德借用钥匙,但巴德拒绝了。On New Year's Eve , Sheldrake asks Bud for the key , but Bud refuses.

然而,巴德为了不让弗兰伤心,骗她说希德瑞克仍然关心着她。Later , however , Bud manages to convince Fran that Sheldrake still cares.

当希德瑞克以炒他鱿鱼相威胁时,巴德递给他一把钥匙——公司主管私人盥洗室的钥匙——他不干了。When Sheldrake threatens to fire him , Bud gives him a key-to the executive washroom.

是夜,希德瑞克向弗兰说起巴德的事情,弗兰突然间醒悟——巴德也深爱着自己。That night , Sheldrake mentions Bud's actions to Fran. She suddenly realizes that Bud loves her.

仍有一些为数不多的生物学家试图提出一种激进的新理论来解释这些问题,其中有一位RupertSheldrake博士。One of the few biologists to propose a radically novel approach to thesequestions is Dr Rupert Sheldrake.

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Sheldrake得到的结论是当我们关心的人们正想着我们,那么即便是相隔很远的距离,我们能察觉到。Sheldrake concluded that we can sense when people we care about are thinking about us, even at great distances.

弗兰起初还坚决不允,但最后还是让步,放了巴德的鸽子和希德瑞克一起过夜。Fran resists at first but eventually succumbs , standing Bud up as she agrees to spend the night with Sheldrake.

在确信弗兰对自己的情意后,巴德打定主意要和希德瑞克摊牌,他要带走弗兰。Convinced that Fran is in love with him , Bud resolves to tell Sheldrake that he will take the girl off his hand.

事。谢雷科教授在澳大利亚及海外各国,教授各种领导艺术和管理的课程及短期培训项目。Professor Sheldrake has taught various leadership and management courses and short programs, both in Australia and internationally.

尽管IPv4至少在未来十年内仍会继续工作,但是根据前面菲利普·谢尔德瑞克的说法,它的价值正在改变。Even though IPv4 will continue working for at least the next decade, there is value in changing early according to Philip Sheldrake.

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但希德瑞克却在这个时候告诉巴德,他老婆在知道自己的不忠后,决定和他离婚,而他也计划迎娶弗兰。But Sheldrake informs him that his wife , who has learned of his extra-marital activities , is going to divorce him and that he plans to mary Fran.