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它包含有一个你不懂的单词。It has aw ord you may not know.

欧萱曾是丑小鸭,被造型师批评!Jeanette Aw was once an ugly duckling!

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要我是你呀,我就连盆都扔下去!Aw'd fling in bowl un all, if Aw wer yah!

这地方有一种温暖的俱乐部似的气氛。The pl ace has aw arm, clubby atmosphere.

新传媒艺人欧萱已经成为人月牌代言人。Jeanette Aw the new ambassador for New Moon!

哦哦,亲爱的,是的,喔,听这首歌。Aw, Aw baby, Yeah, ooh Yeah, huh, listen to this.

“我倒情愿去找马,”他回答。Aw sud more likker look for th' horse,' he replied.

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天使们说我今天会喜上眉梢,但,谁需要什么天使?The angels said I'd smile today, Aw well who needs angels anyway?

在圆突区转了将近一周,所有鲸鱼都从我们身边溜掉了。For almost a week at the dome, every wh ale slipped aw ay from us.

法律的一支要比人的意志更坚强有力。The disposition of aw is firmer and more powerful than the will of man.

1872年,沃尔特。斯科特开始在一辆马拉的四轮货车上卖食物。In 1872, W alt Sk at beg an to sell food out of Aw agon pull by a house.

于是他开始思考如何把红外线感应器与水际结合在一起。He beg an thinking about how to combine an infrared sensor with aw ater valve.

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请继续做模具并先将模具给我方核准。Please proceed with the mould development and send the mould AW for our reference first.

“我知道其他人都在向上看,我敢肯定,凯蒂一定在想,‘哎,爸爸就是这样子’,”他说。"I could see other people looking up and I'm sure Katie was just like aw it's my dad, " he said.

元杂剧中反映作者对法律思想反思和探索的作品很多,“人治”思想是清官戏出现的文化根源。There are a lot Dram as in the Yuan Dynasty, which express writers thought and reflection on L aw.

他忘记了当初的承诺,过去的誓言。Because of this, Truc had forgotten the words of promise between the three friends in the past."AW Heck!

增加淀粉浓度影响小性别咨询参数,但下跌胡仙。Increasing starch concentration had little influence on the GAB parameters but nonetheless decreased aw.

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完美结合的快速存取和全天候保护,普里默斯胡仙内置的穷乡僻壤。A perfect combination of fast access and all weather protection, the Primus AW was built for the backcountry.

它可以是一句常言的歪曲如“你要是一开始不成功,就放弃”,或者是玩弄语言和情景。Prisoner u wist on a familiar quote "If at first you don't succeed, give up" orf aw play on words or on a situation.

系列已经上市,请到我们的网上购物区域选购心水产品,每款只生产了四十件!!!AW Collection is available now, please go to our shopping area and choose our products, each style only produce 40 quantity ! ! !