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当然还包括牛仔靴。And also cowboy boots.

山坡上躺着一个牧童。On the hillside lay a cowboy.

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贝加河,河畔的灵魂牛仔。Bega River, River cowboy soul.

因此怀俄明州被称为“牛仔州”。So Wyoming is the Cowboy State.

你知道怎么拼写单词“牛郎”吗?Do you know how to spell "cowboy"?

我喜欢这些鳄鱼皮的牛仔皮靴。I like the alligator cowboy boots.

现在,佩科斯比尔是个好牛仔。Now, Pecos Bill was a good cowboy.

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牛仔制服了这匹烈马。The cowboy broke the unruly horse.

我的名字叫胡迪!我是一个牛仔玩偶。My name is Woody! I am a cowboy doll.

牛仔喝完酒,沉着脸向酒吧门口走去。Cowboy drinking wine, door to the bar.

胡迪,准备詓牛仔营了吗?。Hey, Woody. Ready to go to cowboy camp?

独木舟,羽饰,水牛和牛仔。Canoe, war bonnet, buffalos, and cowboy.

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牛仔帽!虽然是草编的,但还是很有型!The straw cowboy hat looks so cool on her!

牧童把他的羊群赶向山坡。The cowboy drove his sheep at the hillside.

要是我有这么帅的牛仔帽。Well, if I had a cool cowboy hat like that.

牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天嘹亮地响着。The cowboy is blowing his flute all day long.

佩科斯比尔发明了作为一个牛仔的艺术。Pecos Bill invented the art of being a cowboy.

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但是今天几乎已经没有牛仔电影。Today there are almost no cowboy movies around.

那个牛仔用套索套住了那匹失控的脱缰野马。The cowboy caught the runaway horse with a rope.

如果你也要去,请不要忘记你的牛仔帽。If you ever go, just don’t forget your cowboy hat.