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但到300岁的时候,我会觉得。But around 300,I say,The downtrodden.

一个饱压迫的地区正在尝试自由的滋味。A downtrodden region is getting a taste of freedom.

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这会不会对日本被压制的性是一个好兆头呢?Could this be the start of something great for Japan’s downtrodden sex?

现在的我是一个-,善良,有同情心,会在乎弱者的人。Now I'm a kind--now,over here-- I'm a kind,compassionate, warm individual who cares about the downtrodden.

尽管焊料谁进入营地12月19日,1777没有良好的供应,他们不被践踏。While the solders who entered camp on December 19, 1777 were not well-supplied, they were not downtrodden.

维韦卡南达,大大超越了任何较早期的印度教改革家,鼓励社会服务和提升被压迫者的地位。Vivekananda, more than any earlier Hindu reformer, encouraged social service and the uplift of the downtrodden.

还有人认为这会加强国家控制的工会,但对被压迫的工人没有什么帮助。Others, conversely, argue that it will strengthen state-controlled unions but do little for downtrodden workers.

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水相星座的蟹子经常忽略自己的真正需求。As a Cancer, a Cardinal Water Sign, you love to care for the downtrodden and very often your own needs are overlooked.

远方隐现的篝火如残星般点缀着地平线,仿佛万物都在渴求着温暖。Bonfires of the downtrodden illuminated the horizon like morbid stars. Poor souls seeking any warmth they could muster.

即使考虑到最近的全球经济危机,历史上深受压迫的非洲大陆依然迎来了一段充满前途的时刻。Even taking the recent global downturn into account, this has been a hopeful time for a historically downtrodden continent.

数据架构师很容易在面对这样问题的时候感到受压制,但务必要将眼光放在积极的方面。It's easy for the data architect to feel downtrodden in the face of such issues, but it's important to focus on the positives.

政客们总是反对面向风险金融家或是底层劳苦大众的服务业,但德国应当得到更好的服务。Politicians often protest that services are for dodgy financiers or downtrodden burger-flippers and that Germany deserves better.

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约翰·珀金斯一边走着,一边以沮丧压抑的讥嘲心情断言今后的日子肯定单调无趣。As he walked John Perkins prophesied to himself with gloomy and downtrodden cynicism the foregone conclusions of the monotonous day.

云-内舍尔与被压迫者和绝望者的保护神,那个请求她仁慈地看待自己的信徒的宽恕神云-舒诺关系融洽。She had a rapport with Yun-Shuno, the patron of the downtrodden and the hopeless, who could ask Yun-Ne'Shel to look kindly upon her worshipers.

是逼迫苦难的人民群众千里万里走上上访路者的稳定压倒一切!It is the stability of the people who forced the poor downtrodden people to travel thousands of miles to file petitions which overrides all else.

任总理期间营造出了亲民形象,并以频频访问中国贫困地区以及公开同情底层民众著称。Mr. Wen has cultivated a populist image as premier, and is known for his visits to China's hinterland and his public commiseration with the downtrodden.

这是一个非常的事实,世界上最伟大摇滚乐队的主唱同时也是我们这一代最具说服力的底层人民捍卫者。It is an extraordinary fact that the lead singer with the world's biggest rock band is also our generation's most persuasive champion of the downtrodden.

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在她的“从美国公司逃脱”书中,概述了那些受工作压迫的劳动者需要脱离他们的办公室重新振并追逐下来他们的梦想。Escape from Corporate America outlines what the downtrodden toiler needs to do to actually get up out of his or her cubicle and chase down his or her dreams.

联合总会成立于1955年,是代表在日本经常被压迫的朝鲜族少数民族利益的两个团体之一,在1960时代其全盛期,声称有一百万成员。Founded in 1955 as one of two groups representing the often downtrodden Korean minority in Japan, during its 1960s heyday it claimed around half a million members.

一些人则将本片受赞赏归因于“唐顿庄园综合症”,即华美服饰对受资本主义压迫的受害者有着过度的吸引力。Some such thinkers blame the "Downton Abbey syndrome", that is, the perverse attraction of the trappings of poshness for the downtrodden victims of capitalist excess.