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为了这个目的,我使用了一个比较工具。For this, I invoke a diff tool.

对语义数据调用推理程序Invoke a reasoner on semantic data

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首先提到的是Dalton定律。First of all, we invoke Dalton's Law.

就是用它来解释。Invoke wave-like properties to explain.

你得找出些似波的特质。You have to invoke wave-like properties.

请使用完整的路径名调用命令。Invoke commands with their full pathnames.

是否允许任何人调用任何服务?Should anyone be allowed to invoke any service?

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此外,还必须调用一次这个存储过程。You also have to invoke the stored procedure once.

为什么要从内核调用用户空间应用程序?Why invoke a user-space application from the kernel?

为此,我需要引入一些其它科学知道。For this I need to invoke a couple of bits of science.

在个人和小团体中能引起改变。Individually and in small groups we can invoke change.

您可以在代码中的任何地方调用这个函数。You can invoke this function from anywhere in the code.

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为了做到这个,我需要提到三位伟人的名字。And for that I need to invoke the names of three giants.

佐助的复仇的眼神是真正的火影力量!Sasukes vengeful eyes invoke the real strength of Naruto!

这没必要求助上帝来拧紧宇宙启动的发条。It is not necessary to invoke God to set the Universe going.

它调用方法时的顺序可能与您期望的不同。It might invoke methods in a different order than you expect.

能调用服务请求者和提供者两者的手段Means to invoke both, service provider and service requester.

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短期运行流程只能调用同步服务。Short-running processes can only invoke synchronous services.

荧绿之毒,召唤绿色致命毒气的魔法。Green poison, invoke the sorcery of green fatal poisonous gas.

甚至还可能会超过或少于您期望的调用次数。It might even invoke them more or fewer times than you expect.