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除非你是参加专业展览的名流,否则你就不要再想了。Unless you are a celebrity on professional display, forget this consumer theatricality.

近年来,标榜戏剧性的舞台剧演出在法国逐渐蔚为风潮。To display the theatricality of performance has become more and more frequent in recent France.

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这部电影的传奇风格是由表演的功力和剧情的设置奠定的。The movie's larger-than life tone is mostly justified by the quality of the performance and the theatricality of the settings.

多年以来,人们一直关注舒曼声乐套曲的抒情性特点,但对其戏剧性特点却缺乏系统的阐释与研究。For many years, however, people pay special attention to the lyricism of his song cycles, and put the theatricality aspect aside.

舞蹈艺术家全情投入,力求完美结合精湛舞技与舞台表演魅力,并致力于节目推广,从而让更为广泛的观众得以欣赏现代舞蹈的魅力。They have always had a passion for virtuosity complemented by charismatic theatricality and is committed to promoting programmes which have a wide appeal.

画布上黑暗的阴影以及苍老、沉重的眼睛彷佛唱著一首忧郁的小调,观者也彷佛掉进了画作戏剧性的魔咒里。The dark shadows on the canvas sings a melancholic tune that the aged, weighty eyes tell, and we find ourselves trapped in the spell of this theatricality.

戏剧是剧场艺术,因此导演应该有意识地在创作中发挥其剧场性的艺术特征,使戏剧表达更加丰富、多元。Since drama is a form of theater arts, the director should consciously bring out its theatricality in the process of creation so as to enrich theatrical expressions.

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室内加入的实践完全出于对梦想的满足,扩张对材料的认识和对外域戏剧化展示日常生活的一种大胆的模仿。The interior advances a practice that is dedicated to wish fulfillment, material exploration and an unashamed reveal of exotic theatricality present in day-to-day life.

该剧以中、西方戏剧形式的融合,以及高行健戏剧理论所主张的「剧场性」,呈现出新颖的现代戏剧样式。This play, by the fusion of theatrical forms from East and West as well as the theory of "the theatricality " which Gao Xingjian advocated, presents a novel modem play style.

声音元素和听觉本是天地造化,当他们共同在话剧的创作、演出、欣赏过程中携手并肩的时候,逐渐由简而繁构成了独具戏剧性的听觉语汇。Sound and audio elements are natural and, in the course of directing, performing and appreciating of the spoken drama, they have gradually become the audio discourse with unique theatricality.

借鉴建筑领域之外的术语,提出城市戏剧性的概念,从文本戏剧性和剧场戏剧性两个层面解析了城市戏剧性的内涵。This article adopts terms beyond architectural study as reference to claim the concept of urban theatricality and discusses its meaning with two relative notions as theatricality and dramatic.

作为戏剧演出系统中的重要术语,幻觉性与剧场性出现得较晚,然而历史上关于戏剧演出的一切努力与争斗可以说都是围绕着幻觉性与剧场性而展开的。Though the terms of hallucination and theatricality in theatrical performance system occurred comparatively late, they are very important in history in that all the efforts and disputes related to.