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我从未见过这样粗鲁的行径。I'd never met such crudity before.

有时候,谨慎小心也可能是另一形式的粗鲁。Sometimes delicacy can be a form of crudity.

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断裂带表面粗糙,并带有斜度。Fractured zone has a crudity surface with a pitch.

“古拙”风格在中国绘画史中享有崇高地位。"Primitive Crudity" style has been holding an important position in Chinese painting.

尽管他们的方法和设备较为粗陋,那次实验却相当成功。Despite the crudity of their methods and equipment, the experiment was a considerable success.

如果我说我的心粗野,而我试图变敏感,这个要变敏感的努力本身就是粗鲁。If I say my mind is crude and I try to become sensitive, the very effort to become sensitive is crudity.

所有这些过度装饰的车的人会显示其暴躁的一面,他们的生硬和粗鲁在两车意外那一刻爆发。All those people with their swanky cars will show their rough sides, their crudity and crass the moment the two vehicles accidently, touch each other.

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提倡良好风度举止者和行为粗放者之间一直存在着争论,前者希望社会能回到一个更有教养和礼貌的时代。There is a constant tug-of-war between the advocates of good manners and those of crudity , with the former hoping for a return to a more genteel age.

认为动物不享有任何权利,妄称人类对它们的处置与道德无涉,这是西方残暴野蛮行为中最令人发指的一个例子。The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.

主张生产优质白酒应以自然陈酿为主要方法,适当的科学催陈处理只应该是辅助手段。The paper thinks the high-quality white spirit depends mainly on traditional and natural brew spirit, The suitable and scientific way of turning crudity should be only the supplementary techniques.

托马斯·爱迪生认为动物不享有任何权利,妄称人类对它们的处置与道德无涉,这是西方残暴野蛮行为中最令人发指的一个例子。Thomas Edison The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.