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提出了预防屏式再热器爆管的有效措施。The measures to prevent reheater tube failure are presented.

过热器,再热器各部位均无超温现象。Each part of superheater and reheater shall not be over temperature.

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未经清洗的过热器、再热器应进行蒸汽加氧吹洗。The uncleaned superheater, reheater should have oxygenated blowwash.

在动力工程中,大容量、高参数电站锅炉的过热器、再热器大量采用SA213-T91钢。In power industry, SA213-T91 steel are widely used in superheater and reheater of utility boiler.

在定压起动和滑压启动时如何控制再热蒸汽温度?How to control the ranges of reheater steam temperature during fixed pressure and sliding pressure start-up.

证明了两种等效热降法的重要关系,指出再热器吸热的作功效率有不同的选择方法。Relation of two equivalent entropy drop method is conducted, and doing work efficiency of reheater has different choices.

该产品是火电站锅炉再热器及过热器管道系统进行水压试验时的隔离装置。This kind of valve is the isolation equipment for power station reheater and superheater pipe system in the water pressure test.

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通过对现场热段再热器管段焊接所产生的缺陷分析,讨论了缺陷产生的原因及处理的方法。Through analyzing the welding defect of reheater tube, The reasons of defect formation and the measure of disposal are discussed.

这些技术措施实施后,有效地解决了再热器爆管问题,取得了良好的经济效益。The Realization of these technical measure has effectively solved the reheater bursting problems with better economic benefit obtained.

但是锅炉普遍存在再热器喷水量偏大的问题,影响了机组运行经济性。One of the main problems is that the reheater water injection amount is too large, and this affects the economical performance of the unit greatly.

为解决锅炉水冷壁结焦所引发的二次再热器超温爆漏问题提供了依据。It also provides the basis for solving the bursting leakage by ultra high temperature of the secondary reheater due to the slagging on boiler water wall.

文中提出的风险分析、受损判断及预堵管筛查方案对U型管管束型加热器类似问题的处理有一定借鉴意义。The risk analysis, damaging judging and screening scheme for pre-blocking tube for U-type tube reheater can be used for reference on the similar problem.

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过热器再热器壁温在线监测技术,可以通过安装少量的炉外壁温测点,实时计算整个管组各部位的金属壁温。The superheater and reheater on-line metal temperature monitoring technique used a limited number of metal temperature measuring points situated outside of the.

电站锅炉的过热器和再热器是锅炉的重要部件,其工作状况直接影响机组的安全运行和经济性。The superheater and reheater of plant boiler are important components of the boiler, and their working condition affects the economy and safety of the whole unit.

高压锅炉管主要用来制造高压和超高压锅炉的过热器管、再热器管、导气管、主蒸汽管等。High Pressure Boiler Tube is mainly used to manufacture high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure boiler superheater tubes, reheater tube, airway, such as main steam pipe.

导出了在再热机组中,排挤单位非调节抽汽流经再热器流量份额的通用计算式,并进行了验证。A universal formula is raised to calculate flow of reheater when a unit of work substance is pushed out from extraction steam in reheating unit, and verified by examples.

核电站用汽水分离再热器结构复杂,无损检测按英国国家标准和法国ALSTOM公司工程标准进行。The moisture separator reheater which used in nuclear power station was a complex structure, the NDT was according to British standards and French ALSTOM project standards.

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再热循环的好处就是减少了汽轮机的排汽湿度,但就锅炉进出口再热管道和内部的再热管道而言,投资成本增加了。The reheat cycle benefits from reduced wetness in the turbine exhaust, but presents an increased capital outlay in terms of reheater pipe-work to, from and within the boiler.

由于再热器采用一级布置,热偏差大,在出口段炉外部分和出口垂直段部分出现较大范围超温,并有爆管现象发生。Overheating appeared in the tubes of the outlet section outside the furnace and outlet vertical section of the reheater duo to thermal deviations, accompanied by tube explosion.

尤其是在随着大机组参与电网调峰时,再热器温度控制系统性能面临着更高的要求。Especially when high capacity units always participate in electricity network load adjustment, reheater temperature control system is required to be an improved performance level.