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这颜色艳而不俗。This colour is bright but not garish.

不久我们驶入纽约红红绿绿的灯光中。Soon we were assailed by the garish lights of New York.

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那女孩个子很矮,身材消瘦,她穿的衣服未免过于艳丽。The girl was short and thin and her clothes were garish.

他在玛丽.马格达利教堂的炫目装饰似乎就是他的遗产。His garish creation in the Church of Mary Magdalene seems his legacy.

传统染色利黄色如今越来越多地食用未染色。Traditionally dyed a garish yellow nowadays increasingly eaten undyed.

迪拜的海滩熠熠生辉,其上遍布为富人打造的风格化海景地产。Dubai's coast has grown garish with stylized beachfront lots for the wealthy.

总的说来就是不要穿颜色过于俗艳的衣服,那会分散面试官的注意力。In general avoid dressing in loud, garish clothes that would prove distracting to the interviewer.

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对猫咪的主人来说,她拥有一种近乎高贵,睿智又不失低调的感觉。The upside to cat ownership is proximity to a sense of dignity, intelligence and lack of garish behavior.

他们的火炬发出惨淡的光,影子在他们刻满诡异符文的长袍上舞动。Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes.

他们穿的长袍上绘着繁复而华丽的符文,折射着火炬那苍白的光线。Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes.

我们戴上傻傻的帽子,用闪闪亮亮的灯装点圣诞树,用花里胡哨的包装纸包装礼物,这对我们是有好处的。We put on silly hats and drape trees with sparkly lights and wrap gifts in garish paper and that’s good for us.

不同的是,仰卧起坐现在只是理疗中令人疼痛难忍的一部分,而当初竞技场上炫目的灯光早已消失不见。Only now the sit-ups were an agonizing part of physical therapy, and the garish lights of the arena were turned off.

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这些崭新的住宅动辄价值几十万美元,很多都漆成了亮丽的颜色,高高的围墙保护着它们。These new houses cost several hundred thousand dollars. Many are painted in garish colors and protected by high walls.

今年数种后dubstep流派不再被现实所束缚,而是踏上一种艳丽的超现实。This year's array of post-dubstep sounds are no longer chained to realness but are much more about garish hyper-reality.

尽管如此,他还是夸奖这个主意绝妙无比,配得上2英尺高、光彩夺目的“英勇失败”奖杯。Nevertheless, he calls the idea 'absolutely brilliant' and deserving of the garish two-foot-tall 'Heroic Failure' trophy.

你一辈子都认为应该遏制住你的狂热想法,但是当你病了,你不妨让它绽放出耀眼的光彩。All your life you think you have to hold back your craziness, but when you're sick you can let it go in all its garish colors.

不过它车身的塑料镀层太多,而且早期车型喷涂的银色加黄色的车漆搭配也太乍眼了。But in an attempt to liven up the Baja, it ladled on plastic body cladding and painted early models a garish silver and yellow.

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高尔基公园曾是贫穷的莫斯科人的约会圣地——一大片花花绿绿的游乐场,吵闹的流行音乐,价超所值的烤肉串。Gorky Park was where poor Muscovites would take cheap dates—a wilderness of garish carnival rides, loud pop music, and overpriced kebabs.

其中一颗卫星名为TerraSAR-X,这名字听起来像是个俗艳的机器恐龙,实际上却是一个高分辨率的雷达系统。Among the satellites thus serviced is TerraSAR-X, which sounds like a garish robot dinosaur but is in fact a high-resolution radar system.

令人惊异的是,这意味着网站不仅不能太先锋、乖巧或者平实,也不能太不友好、花哨或者不专业。Amazingly, this means that not only can't the site be too cutting edge, clever or slick, it also can't be too horrible, garish or amateurish.