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淡灰白色鱼肉的比目鱼。Grayish-white flesh of a flatfish.

一种欧洲大比目鱼的肉。Flesh of a large european flatfish.

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比目鱼为什么两只眼睛长在一边?Flatfish why are two eyes long aside?

欧洲非常珍贵的食用比目鱼。European flatfish highly valued as food.

右侧比目鱼躺着时右边的眼睛朝上。A dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost.

各种欧洲及非欧洲产的海生比目鱼。Any of various european and non-european marine flatfish.

在所有的比目鱼中,视觉神经都是交叉的,右边的视觉神经连接到大脑的左半部,左边的视觉神经连接到大脑的右半部。In all flatfish the optic nerves cross, so that the right optic nerve is joined to the brain's left side and vice versa.

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有个发生在比目鱼和其他扁平鱼类身上的诡异变态,达尔文理论尚未提供解释。The bizarre metamorphosis that occurs in halibut and other flatfish had even Charles Darwin floundering for an explanation.

如同所有现代的比目鱼一样,美洲黄盖鲽的两只眼睛位于头部的同一侧。第一条比目鱼的眼睛是位于两侧的。Like all modern flatfish , the yellowtail flounder has both eyes on one side of its head. The first flatfishes had one eye on each side.

由于在活着的和化石的比目鱼中缺乏一个中间状态,这个惊人的适应性改变的起源引发了辩论。The lack of an intermediate condition in living and fossil flatfish species had led to deb ate about the origin of such a striking ad aptation.

日前她在西班牙巴塞罗纳附近的埃布罗河度假时,用大比目鱼鱼饵,逮到一条体重达97.85公斤的淡水鲶鱼。Recently, she caught a large catfish with the flatfish lures when going on vacation in Ebro River in Spain. The catfish was 97.85 kilograms weight.

口腔颌面部肿瘤术后软组织缺损,可利用携带部分比目鱼肌的小腿内侧皮瓣进行修复。Soft tissue defects caused by tumor ablation can be reconstructed with lower medial leg myocutaneous flap accompanied with partial flatfish muscle.

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大菱鲆是目前我国鲆鲽鱼类养殖的主要品种,而市场滞怠是该产业目前面临的瓶颈问题之一。Turbot is one of the main aquaculture species of flatfish in China, but its stagnant market is one of the bottleneck problems in aquaculture industry.

海洋中曾经游弋着大量脂肪含量高的草食鱼类,如青鱼、毛鳞鱼,而在全球急剧变暖的效应之后,海洋成了鳕鱼,远东多线鱼和比目鱼的地盘。After rapidly warming, a sea once swimming with fatty forage fish like herring and capelin eventually became dominated by pollock, Atka mackerel and flatfish.

我以前干过10年海洋食品部门经理,我可以明确的告诉你们,市面上大部分鱼,特别是比目鱼类,比如鲽鱼,都有寄生虫。As a former seafood department manager of 10 years I can confidently say that many types of fish, especially flatfish like halibut arrive at your market with parasites.

星期四,渔人发现,渔网里的一条比目鱼粘乎乎的背上粘着一张字迹仍然清晰可辩的信纸,信纸上还残留着绳子和红色的气球碎片。A fisherman found the still legible piece of paper sitting on a sticky flatfish in his catch on Thursday, along with a torn-off string and the fragment of a red balloon.