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铜丝。Copper wire.

喇叭线“,”Speaker Wire.

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铝丝。Aluminium wire.

汽车花线“,”Automobile Wire.

放在铁架子上凉。Cool on wire racks.

那是一根带电的电线。That is a live wire.

用铁丝扎住。Karzai live with wire.

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红线还是蓝线?Red wire or blue wire?

电线剪剥皮机“,”Wire Automatic Cutter.

电线电缆回收机“,”Cable & Wire Retractor.

也许是线路问题It's probably the wire.

这电线很粗。The wire is very thick.

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这种金属丝容易扭弯。The wire twists easily.

这金属线很容易扭弯。The wire twisted easily.

这条铁丝容易扭弯。This wire twists easily.

不锈钢丝。Wire of stainless steel.

他割下了一段电线。He nicked a piece of wire.

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电镀镍铁线“,”Nickel-Plating Steel Wire.

哦是,还要一些钢丝钳。Oh yes, some wire cutters.

孩子把铁丝扭弯了。The child twisted the wire.