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普通及血管外科。General and Vascular Surgery.

血管胀痛,腿痛,不能走。Vascular pain, leg pain, can not go.

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根瘤的器官内有维管组织穿过。The organ is penetrated with vascular tissue.

偏头痛和丛集性头痛是血管型头痛。Migraine and cluster headaches are vascular headaches.

在43例肿块中发现了异常血管分级方式。Abnormal vascular architecture was founded in 43 cases.

在这种富血供的肿块中流空是常见的。Flow voids are often seen in these very vascular tumors.

木本植物维管形成层外部的组织。In woody plants, tissues outside of the vascular cambium.

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有震颤的部位可很容易听到血管杂音。The site is aflutter can be easily hear vascular murmurs.

术后4-16周,移植物内的血管面积逐渐增加。From 4-16 weeks, the area of vascular increased gradually.

血窦是血液循环的主要组成成份。The hemocoel is the main component of the vascular system.

血管内皮细胞分泌的强缩血管物质。Vascular endothelial cell excretes , strong vasoconstrictor.

脉管纹极细,呈绞丝状如牛毛。Fine vascular pattern, such as ox hair was twisted filaments.

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真皮淋巴管与血管丛密切相关。Associated with the vascular plexus are the dermal lymphatics.

结论参元丹对血管内皮功能具有一定的保护作用。SYD had protection effect on the vascular endothelium function.

是维管植物中的产生孢子囊的结构。Sporophyll The sporangium-bearing structure of vascular plants.

而甘油三脂水平高正是血管硬化的罪魁祸首。And triglycerides high is the chief culprit of vascular sclerosis.

骨血管瘤是一种骨内的良性血管瘤。Hemangioma of the bone is a benign vascular tumor within the bone.

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间歇性跛行是由周围性血管疾病引起的。Intermittent claudication is caused by peripheral vascular disease.

右锁骨残端活检示淋巴管增生。Right clavicle biopsy exibited vascular hyperplasia in bone marrow.

这已经用于附生藻类和沉水维管束植物中。It has been applied to attached algae and submerged vascular plants.