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至于那些不解之谜啊。As for that unsolvable mystery.

这些问题没有不能解决的。None of these problems are unsolvable.

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我不知道。我只是觉得这个不能解决的问题。I don't know. I think this is an unsolvable problem.

伙计们,你有机会来读懂女人了。Guys, there is your chance to solve unsolvable enigma called women.

因此,看起来像是无法解决的困难,实际上是一个有待用创新方法来解决的挑战。So, what looked like an unsolvable problem was actually a challenge that called for creative solution.

感性与理性就如同生与死是人生一道难解的命题。Sensibility and rationality are like existance and death. They are one of the unsolvable riddles of life.

最后,经过多年的经济进步,中国现在能够解决以往所不能解决的问题。Finally, after years of economic progress, China is now capable of solving previously unsolvable problems.

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如果幸运的话,那么可能会得到一个列表,其中包括已经解决的、不可解决的以及大家感兴趣的问题,那是值得人们在下一个十年间查看的内容。If we're lucky, we may get a list of solved, unsolvable and interesting problems worth looking at for the next decade.

你的守护星土星向海王星妥协,将你置于一个现有的无法解决的困境。Your key planet Saturn is compromised by a quincunx from Neptune now putting you in an unsolvable existential dilemma.

警方还会采用最新的法庭科学技术和侦查手段来侦查陈年积案,而这些技术和手段是警方四十年前所不具有的。We can also use forensic analysis and technology that didn't exist 40 years ago to solve cases that once looked unsolvable.

目的用以讨论试验温度对注射液用卤化丁基橡胶塞不溶性微粒的影响。OBJECTIVE To discuss the effects of temperature on the unsolvable particles of halogenated butyl rubber stopper for injection.

沉积铝土富矿资源形成于酸度较强而沉积物又不被介质溶解的平静稳定的沉积环境。Sedimentary bauxite bonanza was formed in stable sedimentary environment with unsolvable medium of sediments under acid condition.

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教授学生逻辑代数的高深概念,对以前未解的方程式,以威胁报复的方式求解。Students are taught advanced concepts of Boolean Algebra, and formerly unsolvable equations are dealt with by threats of reprisals.

作为乡村社会“小共同体”“私的法律秩序”,村规民约与国家“公的法律秩序”存在不可调和的冲突和矛盾。Village rules, as the "private legal rules" of the rural "small community", have unsolvable conflicts with the "public legal rules".

分析植物人法律人格的这些问题,尽管处在现行法律的真空地带,但是并非不能解决。Although issues concerning analysis of the legal personality of vegetables remain a vacuum in the current law, they are not unsolvable.

乘客上下车自动人数统计系统是一个亟待解决的难题,而传统的统计方法存在诸多不合理因素。The automatic passengers counting system is an unsolvable urgent project now. There are many unsuitable factors in traditional solutions.

苹果表示,日本灾难对3月当季供应或零部件定价的影响有限,不存在解决不了的问题.Apple saw a limited impact in the quarter on supply or component pricing from the disaster and said it did not see any unsolvable problems.

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从而获得了原不可解泛函方程的解析递推表达式和一个易于实施的控制律的解析解。Thus, the explicit recursive expression of the original unsolvable functional equation and a control law with easy implementation are obtained.

铝材与石材本身就属于异型材料复合,在常人眼里就存在不可避免也无法解决的膨胀系数问题。Aluminum and stone are of different materials compound, therefore in common eyes, there exists an unsolvable problem of different expanding rate.

只有当你能够不屈尊俯就,不鄙夷这个世界的种种不可解决的问题时,你才会达到生命存在的最高形式。Only when you do not deign even to despise this world of unsolvable problems will you finally come to achieve a superior form of personal existence.