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苏丹西部达尔富尔地区是恐怖主义么?Is Darfur terrorism?

她的行为是恐怖行动吗?Was this an act of terrorism?

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我们不应该纵容恐怖活动。We should not connive at terrorism.

那么面对恐怖主义,该怎么办呢?What to do in the face of terrorism?

这是恐怖主义数字化时代。This is terrorism in the digital age.

我们站在一起打击恐怖主义。We stand together to fight terrorism.

犯罪行为和恐怖主义大行其道?Why does He allow crime and terrorism?

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他说这五个国家手中的否决权就等同于恐怖主义。Their veto was tantamount to terrorism.

中国反对一切形式的恐怖主义。China is against all forms of terrorism.

不,新的威胁不只是简单的恐怖主义。No, the new threat was not simply "terrorism.

明显地,华盛顿已得了"恐怖主义的疯狂症"。Washington has clearly gone terrorism bonkers.

首先要反对一切形式的恐怖主义。First, we should oppose all forms of terrorism.

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在我写这篇文章时,爆炸和恐怖活动正如火如荼。As I write this, bombings and terrorism are ripe.

恐怖主义是破坏稳定的社会公害。Terrorism is a scourge that undermines stability.

它从事对以色列的间谍活动和恐怖主义。It engages in espionage and terrorism with Isreal.

自发的恐怖主义是永存的威胁。Self-starting terrorism is an ever-present danger.

他为何将反恐战争政治化?Why did he politicize the fight against terrorism?

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第一部分为恐怖主义犯罪概述。The first partis an outline of the terrorism crime.

世界人民公开谴责恐怖主义和暴力。The world people preach down terrorism and violence.

我们主张反对一切形式的恐怖主义。We stand for fighting against terrorism of all forms.