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他剥光了她的衣服。He denuded her of clothing.

乌市的服装市场。A clothing market in Urumqi.

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要注意穿干衣和戴帽进行防护。Wear dry clothing and a hat.

长袍式、两件式套装。Robe style, 2-piece clothing.

不如饮美酒,被服纨与素。As the wine, Wan and clothing.

她经营男士服装。She deals in men ' s clothing.

男人的衣服全湿了。The man's clothing was soaked.

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我们捐赠食品和衣物。We give out food and clothing.

他低头看着他的衣服。He looked down at his clothing.

他有自己的服装品牌!He's got his own clothing line.

您花费多少置装?How much you spend on clothing?

破衣烂衫暗示贫穷。Ragged clothing infers poverty.

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破衣烂衫意味着贫穷。Ragged clothing infers poverty.

他领我进了一家服装店。He led me into a clothing store.

玛丽经常在衣服上的钱。Mary lavishes money on clothing.

那男人剥光了她的衣服。The man denuded her of clothing.

他表里不一。/他是只披着羊皮的狼。He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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它可以看透人的衣服。It can see through your clothing.

她总是在购买服装上大手大脚。She always squanders on clothing.

她穿着一身轻盈的春装。She was in light spring clothing.