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我要弄红脍牛肉作晚餐。I'm preparing goulash for supper.

菜炖牛肉在炉子上慢慢沸腾。The goulash was simmering slowly in the oven.

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冬季很多人喜欢炖牛肉,最好在其中加点萝卜。Winter many person is fond of a goulash , had better in adding a radish among them.

与各种烤肉,匈牙利菜炖牛肉,烧烤野味或重味沙司面条搭配非常适宜。A good accompaniment to roasted meat, Hungarian goulash , roasted game or noodles with hearty mince sauce.

类似于烤饼并作为普遍的早餐项目,它们也被用于扩充菜炖牛肉餐。They have a scone-like consistency and as well as a popular breakfast item, they're also used to bulk up goulash meals.

类似于烤饼并作为普遍的早餐项目,它们也被用于扩充菜炖牛肉餐。They have a scone-like consistency and as well as a popular breakfast item, they’re also used to bulk up goulash meals.

他对我要一份色拉的要求不予理会,对我说,在到达贝尔格莱德之前的六个小时里,只有炖菜牛肉。He brushed aside my request for a salad and said that, with six hours to go until we reached Belgrade, goulash was in order.

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例如,每周五当我准备美味菜炖牛肉汤以供第二天坡道滑雪享用时,就会感觉置身于美妙的厨房时光中。For example I find myself caught in a fantastic kitchen moment every Friday while preparing a delicious goulash soup to bring to the slopes the following day.

为满足中小型方便面企业的需求,该文介绍了红烧牛肉方便面酱包和粉包的配方及制作方法。In order to meet the demand of various instant noodle factories, this article introduces the ingredients of catsup bag and seasoning bag in goulash instant noodle.

我们一起做红烧牛肉,当我们不想找一种更好的语言来表达自己的感觉时,就会使用我们的第一共同语——捷克语进行交流。We cooked goulash together and spoke in our first common language, Czech, instead of lazing into English when we didn't feel like summoning a better translation of our feelings.