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很了不起。It was amazing.

这很令人惊奇。This is amazing.

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海滩好极了。The beach is amazing.

这真令我惊讶This is amazing to me.

这是一家迷人的商店。This is an amazing shop.

这真的很神奇It's really quite amazing.

还有那条只令人惊异的白狗。And that amazing white dog.

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第四就是美食佳肴。Fourth, the food was amazing.

动起来,做点惊人的事情吧。Now go. Do something amazing.

多棒的一次贴地射门啊!What an amazing grazing shot!

艾丽斯,你的爸爸可真行!Alice, your father is amazing.

非常好喝的咖啡。真的。But it's amazing coffee. Yeah.

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那素描真是太神奇了。The sketch was rather amazing.

水也是很好的润滑剂。Water is an amazing lubricant.

他们是了不起的街头舞者,They're amazing street dancers,

这真的很令人惊奇This is the most amazing thing.

你在做一件美妙的事。You ARE doing something amazing.

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但他们是令人惊奇的反英雄式人物。But they are amazing anti-heroes.

她对时尚有着独到的眼光。She has an amazing eye for style.

是的。啊,这个场子太棒了。Yup. Wow, what an amazing course!