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他屈伏下去了吗?Did he remain bowed?

他们依旧无知。They remain ignorant.

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最强烈的感情往往是最深藏不露的。remain most unspoken.

瓜纳将继续留在这里。Guana will remain here.

请保持不动。Please remain motionless.

保持冷静和明智。Remain calm and levelheaded.

虽然心痛依旧。Though the heartaches remain.

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我们必须时刻保持警惕。We must remain ever vigilant.

诚笃,但要保持正面姿势。Be honest but remain positive.

我们的方案必需失密。Our plan must remain a secret.

他并不想永葆青春。He didn’t want to remain young.

所以,终端费仍然要付。So the termination fees remain.

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生态系统必须保持稳定。An ecosystem must remain stable.

但我没有一直做外交官。But I did not remain a diplomat.

忍辱偷生。Pocket insults and remain alive.

物价始终保持稳定。Prices remain stable throughout.

然而,灯光并未熄灭。The lights, however, remain lit.

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乙肝的风险依然存在。The risks of hepatitis B remain.

你的身体将保持竖直。Your body should remain upright.

伊朗的意图仍然未明。Iran's intentions remain unclear.