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问题解决和处理的技巧Problem-solving and coping skills.

我是在提倡把开玩笑当作对策吗?Am I advocating ribbing as a coping strategy?

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第四章社区工作者工作压力应对措施。Chapter 4 Community workers'job stress coping.

应对这些,波什的意思是这是詹姆斯的“包袱”。Coping with it, he means. That’s James’ burden.

你们都是怎么对待生活在鱼缸里的日子呢?How are you all coping with living in a fishbowl?

冷漠和否定成了主要的应对机制。Apathy and denial become the primary coping mechanisms.

墙头上铺了平石板,不带椽条。The wall was surmounted by a flat stone without a coping.

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生命的课程----孩子们怎样面对战争?Life lessons- How are children in Benghazi coping with war?

在这里就给出应对期末考的几个小贴士,以此让你开始复习。Here’s a few tips for coping with finals to get you started.

在应对乡愁方面,年龄造成了很大的差异。Age can make a crucial difference in coping with homesickness

想象一下应付飞进你们中间的引起瘟疫的臭弹。imagine coping with pestilential stink bombs flying into your midst.

他说有30年历史的尼日利亚科学院“无法应付诉讼费用”。He said the 30-year-old Academy "was not coping with the legal costs".

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在克服各种压力的过程中,家人和朋友能给予很大的帮助。In coping with all kinds of stress, family and friends can help a lot.

拒绝一个问题,气候变化是,在某种程度上是一个应对策略。Rejecting climate change as a problem is, in a way, a coping strategy.

今年世界水日的主题是“应对水短缺”。The theme for this year’s World Water Day is Coping with Water Scarcity.

双方是否备妥了应急防污染器材,以应付意外跑油事故?Are pollution emergency materials ready for use of coping with oil spill?

相对的,他们正在学习俄罗斯语和调整时差。Instead, they're taking Russian language classes and coping with jet lag.

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她向那个方向看去,看见一个人影从墙头上跳到了地上。Looking that way she beheld a form springing from the coping to the plot.

在此基础上,提出应对此类法规的思路和建议。Above all, the paper putts forward the suggest for coping the regulations.

以COPE量表为工具,对我国744名大学生的应付活动进行了测验研究。Coping activities of 744 undergraduates were studied using the COPES cale.