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将连接并包扎好的线路进行整理,尽量使其恢复原状,作到美观。Tidy up the connected and well wrapped wires, try to restitute it and make it well viewed.

废名张扬非严肃精神之意义在于对小说所拥有的诸多艺术功能的恢复和拓展。The meaning of fei-ming's workings is to restitute and extending the hidden functions of fiction that had once possessed.

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让与的债权不存在或者债务人解除合同时,债务人通常只能够向债权出让人请求返还。Normally, obligor can restitute only from the assignor if the creditor's right assigned doesn't exist or obligor revokes the contract.

服务发展、人才优先、以用为本、创新机制、高端引领、整体开发。Service the Development, Engage Talents, Position Talents, Restitute the System, Explore High Talents and Equalize the Overall Instigation.

研究和探寻可减轻脊髓损害,恢复脊髓神经功能的治疗方法已成为当今医学领域的重要课题。Investigate and explore the treatment to reduce the spinal cord injury and restitute the spinal cord function has become an important subject in medicine field.

复原古代地理环境,结合环境变迁对环太湖流域新石器时代文化区域的变化原因进行探讨。To restitute archaic geographical entironment and make a discussion disc combined with the cause of the New Stone Age culture area variety by entironment vicissitude.

结论切除颈椎管内外肿瘤后用颈椎侧块钢板内固定可保持颈椎的稳定性。Conclusion After the cervical spinal canal internal and external tumor resection, cervical lateral mass plate technique can restitute the stability of cervical spine much better.

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人体可通过对体内稳态的维持与调控而达到健康状态的维持,但当干扰超出了系统的自稳能力时,机体的自稳机制需要借助外力来重建其稳态。Human organism could keep healthy through regulating homeostasis itself, but when interference force is above self-regulation force, external factors are needed to restitute the homeostasis.

债权让与无效时,债务人可以向受让人主张返还已经履行的给付,该权利在性质上是物权返还请求权或者不当得利返还请求权。When the assignment is invalid, obligor has the right to restitute from assignee those obligor gives to the assignee and in theory the right is the claim of property right or unjust enrichment.

利用虚拟现实技术复原古建筑文化遗产的硬件设施和软件平台也在不断更新。Secondly, this paper elaborated the process of making use of the virtual reality technology to restitute ancient architecture, and meanwhile, summarized some steps which need to pay attention to.