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在达喀尔塞内加尔的这里稍微热地挖掘。Mine a little hot over here in Dakar Senegal.

达喀尔由于异乎寻常的滂沱大雨受影响最严重。Dakar is most affected, due to the unusually heavy rains.

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从达卡尔到英吉利海峡,由近程潜艇监视。From Dakar to the English Channel, short-range U-boats prowled.

今天怎么样?。我是这里有点冷在塞内加尔的达喀尔。How was your day?. My was little cold over here in Dakar Senegal.

那由达喀尔茫茫黄沙与玫瑰湖畔发出的呼喊不正是此时我们的写照吗?The Dakar vast sand and rose Lake screaming is the portrayal of us?

上周日的越野车赛事,车手阿提亚荣获2011年达卡拉力赛冠军。In motorsport on Sunday, Nasser al-Attiyah won the 2011 Dakar Rally.

相关证据就在达喀尔总统府的停车场里。The proof is in the parking lot at the presidential palace in Dakar.

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在塞内加尔,组织者正在达喀尔举行为期四天的电影节。In Senegal , organizers put together a four-day film festival in Dakar.

这些病例已得到达喀尔巴斯德研究所的实验室确认。The cases have been laboratory confirmed by the Institut Pasteur, Dakar.

塞内加尔首都达喀尔一所可兰经学校发生火灾,造成9名儿童死亡。A fire has killed nine children at a Koranic school in the Senegalese capital Dakar.

Dia还补充道,达喀尔的需水量为29.5万立方米,设施所能提供的水量为30万立方米。Dia also added that Dakar needs 295, 000 cubic meters and utilities provide 300, 000.

达喀尔市巴斯德研究所实验室确认了该起黄热病病例。The case has been laboratory confirmed for Yellow fever by the Institut Pasteur, Dakar.

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塞内加尔的医疗工作者都集中在特定的城市中心,尤其是达喀尔。Health workers in Senegal are concentrated in specific urban centres, particularly Dakar.

4日,日本第4大汽车制造商三菱公司宣布,因财政原因,将不再参加达喀尔拉力赛。Mitsubishi will no longer compete in the Dakar Rally for financial reasons, the company said Wednesday.

在哈里发逝世当天,瓦德总统就从塞内加尔首都达喀尔出发。President Abdoulaye Wade made the journey from the Senegalese capital of Dakar on the day of Caliph Mbacke's death.

世卫组织设在达喀尔巴斯德研究所的黄热病参比实验室于2011年2月11日对该病例做出了确认。The WHO reference laboratory for Yellow Fever at the Institut Pasteur in Dakar confirmed the case on 8 February 2011.

“预计在南美洲有其广受欢迎的历史维度的达喀尔说,”达喀尔副主任弗雷德里克Lequien。"South America has projected the Dakar in its popular historic dimension, " says Dakar Deputy Director Frédéric Lequien.

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连续不断的电力短缺造成塞内加尔首都达喀尔以及南部城市姆布尔爆发大规模抗议活动。Protests have broken out in the Senegalese capital Dakar and in the southern city of Mbour over continuing power shortages.

图中的这款沃尔沃将问世于2015年达喀尔汽车拉力赛之前,采用太阳能、燃料电池和柴油发动机“三管齐下”的动力系统。Created in anticipation of the 2015 Dakar Rally, the vehicle combines solar energy and fuel cells to support its diesel engine.

EA公司带着达喀尔拉力赛的最新续作来了,这次他们花费大量时间为玩家描绘出一个近乎真实的肮脏并难于驾驶的赛道。EA Mobile comes with their new brand racing titul named Dakar Rally. They focus on a reality of dirty driving and tough racing roads.