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门口来了一位求婚者。A suitor is outside.

求婚者,赢得美人归。The last suitor wins the maid.

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这是遇到佳偶的好办法。This is a great way to meet a suitor.

法官能公正,重法不重人。No one can be at once suitor and judge.

现在苏特已经66岁了,这期间他已经飞行了超过1200次。Now 66, Suitor has flown more than 1, 200 times.

这让她的父亲,同时还有一个被她拒绝的追求者大为恼火。This angered her father as well as a suitor whose advances she rejected.

求婚者若想有机会,必须能有田产继承,最好还带个头衔。Only a suitor with inherited land , and preferably also a title , would do.

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但求婚者还必须在品格、信用以及在当地的声誉上符合要求。But the suitor must also measure up in character and honor and local reputation.

她请求前追求者出面疏通与慈善家安德鲁·卡内基的关系。She asked her former suitor to intercede for her with the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.

另一位欧洲老板说他的中国买家和西方的股市斗争着。Another European boss says his Chinese suitor struggled to deal with Western stockmarkets.

不用说,玛丽内拉给了这位求婚者一张通往婚礼路上的“通行证”,还有她的祝福,一下子就跑到“敌人”的营垒里去了。Needless to say, Marianela gave the suitor a pass and her blessing, going over to the enemy's camp.

他想,“假如一个正人君子来提亲,我会把女儿嫁给他的。”He thought, "If a respectable suitor comes and asks for her hand in marriage, I will give her to him."

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一位女嘉宾在面对她的追求者时,曾这样说“我宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不愿坐在你的脚踏车上笑”。"I would rather cry in the back of a BMW than smile on the back of a bicycle," said one woman to her suitor.

一位女嘉宾在面对她的追求者时,曾这样说“我宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不愿坐在你的脚踏车上笑”。"I would rather cry in the back of a BMW than smile on the back of a bicycle, " said one woman to her suitor.

科莱特正处于她轻浮的年龄,这对一个勤勉而富有的男人来说并不适合。Colette is at the flirtatious age and has little use for a suitor who is too assiduous and far too possessive.

当她们家听说这两位青年即将来访时,她们立刻把叶甫盖尼想象为达吉雅娜的求婚者。When the family heard that the two men were coming, they immediately thought of Eugene as a suitor for Tatyana.

可是你还在局限于这个没有丝毫文学氛围的咖啡馆里,面对那些大腹便便的艺术“追求者”。But you are still confined to the no literary atmosphere of the cafe, in the face of those potbellied art suitor.

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受访女性中,逾七成者将有无房产列为评价求婚者的关键因素。More than 70 percent of women interviewed listed home ownership status as their key factor in assessing a suitor.

这让华盛顿进退失据,像一个不受欢送的青涩寻求者。That would put Washington in the uncomfortable position of being a not-so-welcome suitor of China's men in green.

当然,中国不会永远是新面孔,不会永远是理想化的追求者。To be sure, China will not forever be the fresh-faced and idealized suitor that many in Africa take it to be today.