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也许他们可以去谢菲尔德?Perhaps they could both head to Sheffield?

我准备下班回谢菲尔德,于是跟他们道别。I was going home to Sheffield so I said my goodbyes.

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谢菲尔德半嵌入式安装在加油青铜灯。Sheffield "Bronze" semi-flow of escalating oil lamp.

同样是16岁雅格布。梅里斯,从谢菲尔德联队加盟。Jacob Mellis, also 16, has signed from Sheffield United.

星期天的有谢非尔联对阿斯顿维拉。West Ham. On Monday, Sheffield United hosts Aston Villa.

这是谢大校友杰瑞米·格兰瑟姆的观点。This is the view of a Sheffield graduate, Jeremy Grantham.

现金男不愿对雨刷伯的控诉作出任何回应。Cashman did not want to respond to Sheffield 's accusation.

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我赢得了三次世界冠军,但在谢菲尔德的17天是枯燥无味的。I've won it three times but 17 days in Sheffield is draining.

所以我选择了谢菲尔德大学作为我肯定去的,利物浦大学作为我的保底学校,So I chose Sheffield as my firm and Liverpool as my insurance,

在雪斐尔加来自运动的英文学会的其他新闻。Plus other news from the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield.

下场南京有有队将主场迎战冲超热门的成都谢菲联队。End of Nanjing has a team vs. Chongchao popular Chengdu Sheffield United.

来自谢菲尔德的北极泼猴乐队摘取两项桂冠,接招乐队和天后凯丽加冕重归。Sheffield band retain top two prizes while Take That and Kylie crown comebacks.

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雨刷伯的合约中没有不得交易条款,所以他无力改变这个状况。Sheffield did not have a no-trade clause, so he was powerless in this situation.

事实上,今年是刘闯和梁文博在谢菲尔德的首次登场。Liu Chuang and Liang Wenbo are making their debut in Sheffield this year, in fact.

球赛唯一令人沮丧的,是谢菲尔德联的中锋赫斯令人不安的足踝骨折受伤。The only downer is a nasty ankle break for Sheffield United's centre-forward Hulse.

凯尔。巴特利说租借去谢菲尔德联队的这段经历让他得到了很多收获。Kyle Bartley says he can take a massive amount from his loan spell at Sheffield United.

凯尔。沃克很敏捷,小时候我在曼联他在谢联。Kyle Walker is quick. When we were little, I was at United and he was at Sheffield United.

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同为谢菲尔德大学的教授约翰·哈丁说,这项发现还有别的用途。Prof John Harding, also of Sheffield University, said the discovery could have other uses.

今天,德里克要跟自己的老朋友兼导师亚当·奥克福特博士到设菲尔德去。Today, Derek is traveling to Sheffield with his old friend and mentor, Dr. Adam Ockelford.

1960年开始就在谢菲尔德当地担任裁判,1975年成为正式的英国足球联赛裁判。Started in 1960 at local level in Sheffield before moving into the Football League in 1975.