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蛇会蜕壳换新。Snakes castoff and renew their skins.

有时你丢弃的东西是别人梦寐以求的宝贝。Sometimes your castoff are other people's treasure.

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该工厂一直将其废弃物倾倒在那条河里。The factory has dumpaged its castoff into that river all along.

粉煤灰是一种可再资源化的工业固体废弃物。Fly ash was a sort of industrial solid castoff which could be utilized again.

这些“脏雪球”在冒险接近太阳时会丢出气体和尘埃。These "dirty snowballs" castoff gas and dust whenever they venture near the sun.

改良法则有效的减少了废弃物的产生。During the process of the technical of the reformed, the castoff was effectively reduced.

以石墨尾矿,粉煤灰,煤矸石,垃圾焚烧灰等固体废料为主要原料研制陶瓷环保生态砖。Ceramic ecological paver was investigated with solid castoff such as graphite gangue coal ash and coal stone.

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塑料包装废弃物严重污染环境,对其进行回收处理应尽量减少污染。Plastics Packagin castoff pollute circumstance severely, recycling for it should re duce the pollution as much as possible.

这束腰外衣定是给予了我一个被抛弃者的荣耀以及一个堕落天使的微光,它那钟形的袖子长及我的膝盖。The tunic must have given me a castoff glory, the shimmer of a fallen angel . It had long bell sleeves and came to my knees.

我感到十分高兴,因为同罗斯福的儿子离婚并没有毁掉贝特西的一生,而其他几个被抛弃的妻子似乎因离婚而毁掉了自己的一生。I was so happy that a divorce from a Roosevelt hadn't wrecked Betsey's life as it seemed to do to several other castoff wives.

由此可见,采用该法综合利用废弃物三七茎叶具有广阔的应用前景。Thus, adopting this method to utilize castoff of stalks and leaves of PN comprehensively will lead to a wide and applied future.

本文研究了在一般PC机上采用国产设备进行脱落细胞图像自动分析及处理。This paper studies the method of using popular PC machine of the domestic product to analyze and process the castoff cell image automatically.

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这个剧烈消耗的阶段是很容易被观测到的,因为这些被丢弃的能量把那些进入黑洞的气体和尘埃变成了一个灼热的云团。This violent phase of consumption is the one that is readily observed, because the castoff energy turns the incoming gas and dust into a glowing cloud.

而我国火力发电厂每年排放的工业固体废料——粉煤灰上亿吨,堆放在地表,严重污染环境。The solid castoff — fly ash discharged by fire power plants in our country has over a hundred million tons, it piles up on ground and pollutes environment.

退宿时,请将物品自行清理干净,不得私人物品滞留在宿舍内,否则,将遗留物品将作废弃物品或按无主物品处理。Before checking out, please pack all your belongings, for after checking out, any personal belongings will be disposed of as castoff or items without the Lord.

拓展食品包装的功能、减轻包装废弃物对环境污染的绿色包装已成为新世纪食品包装的发展趋势。So exploiting new function of food packaging, green packaging which can reduce pollution produced by its castoff became current of food packaging in the new century.

对近几年利用废弃物和天然产物开发的混凝剂的研究与应用进行了分析和概括。Based on the related information domestic and abroad, the study on the recent application of coagulant using castoff and crude are analyzed and summarized in this article.

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请您保护景区环境卫生。不随地吐痰、便溺,不乱扔废弃物,不掏拾果皮箱内废弃物。Please protect environmental sanitation in the scenic area. Don't spit, and urinate, defecate anywhere, throw waste casually, and pick up castoff from inside the litterbin.

建立废弃物资源信息共享系统,有利于最大限度地使资源使用最小化和零污染排放,实现废弃物资源利用的高附加值化。Setting up a castoff information sharing system is propitious to make the most use of resource and minimize the pollutant, then make the castoffs recycling more profitable.

传统的西方经济增长理论有意无意地遵循了这样的假定,即“资源是无限的,大自然容纳废弃物的能力是无限的”。The traditional economy theory of the west follows a assume unconsciously, which is that"the resources is never-ending, and the ability of the nature contains castoff is also never-ending".