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他是一个好警察。He is a good policeman.

是警察所造成的吗?。Did the policeman cause it?

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有警察是我编造的谎言。I lied about the policeman.

那警察佩带着手枪。The policeman wore a pistol.

别动,这是警察。Freeze,this is the policeman.

他对警察卑躬屈膝。He cringed before a policeman.

那是王先生。他是一名警察吗?Is he a policeman? Yes, he is.

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警察截住那辆汽车。The policeman stopped the car.

一个警察竖起耳朵在认真地听着。A policeman pricks up his ears.

警察打手势让我们通过。The policeman beckoned us over.

那个警察出什么事了?What happened to that policeman?

警察缴了盗贼的械。The policeman disarmed the thief.

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在门口初有一个警察。There is a policeman at the door.

一名警察向那个绑匪射击。A policeman shot at the kidnapper.

警察吹哨子令我们停止。The policeman whistled us to stop.

你想成为一个好警察吗?怎样翻译?Do you want to be a good policeman?

警察把他的枪打飞了。The policeman knocked his gun away.

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公安向小偷猛扑过去。The policeman pounced on the thief.

警察向强盗猛扑过去。The policeman rushed at the robber.

差人对阿谁司机赐与警告。The policeman cautioned that driver.