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先生,帕特里克已露相了。Sir, Patrick's slip is showing.

汤姆因耍小聪明受到了申斥。Tom was sat on for showing off.

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尤伯罗斯安排了这一切。Ueberroth arranged the showing.

珍,你的衬裙露出来了。Your petticoat is showing , Jane.

奥迪展出了一款无人驾驶的A7汽车。Audi was showing a self-driving A7.

我正在讲它的一些多样性。I am showing some versatility here.

但是压力已经开始显现。But already the strains are showing.

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他正在炫耀新出品的汽车。He is showing off his brand-new car.

他今天的竞技状态不如以前。He's not showing his old form today.

你为什么表现的如此放肆?。Why are you showing such effrontery?

孩子们在跳水板上逞能。Kids showing off on the diving board.

本星期放映什么影片?What film are they showing this week?

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他愤怒地打了吉米一拳。He gave Jimmy a whop showing his anger.

因此,显示排名榜会破坏统计的准确性。Showing the list destroys its accuracy.

洛杉基整在上映什么香港电影?What Hong Kong movies are showing in L.

每个红褐色的斑点都很清楚。And every fleck of russet showing clear.

亲民零售价格呈现于众。PFP retail prices showing to the public.

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这个商人经常表现得不诚实。The trader is always showing dishonesty.

发愿作一盏路灯,照破黑暗,指引光明。Vow to be a streetlight showing the way.

我们向观众展示了两个不同的古巴。We're showing the audience the two Cubas.