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幼虫在那里吃皮下脂肪。They're eating the subcutaneous fat.

术后皮下气肿2例。Subcutaneous emphysema occurred in 2 cases.

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眼睑皮下圆形质块,大小不一。Palpebral subcutaneous round mass with different sizes.

他现在在切离皮下脂肪和肌肉组织。What he is cutting through are subcutaneous fat and muscles.

皮肤萎缩波及表皮、真皮和皮下组织。Skin atrophy affects cuticular, derma and subcutaneous tissue.

眼睑皮下无痛性圆形肿块、大小不一。Palpebral subcutaneous anodynia round mass with different sizes.

咳嗽,发热,双肺结节影及骶部结节。Cough, fever, bilateral pulmonary nodules and sacrum subcutaneous nodule.

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方法应用“2种方法”的比较,观察皮下出血的例次。Methods Compare 2 kinds of methods, and observe the subcutaneous hemorrhage.

皮下积液易发生在拔管后2-4天时间。The subcutaneous hydrops always occurred between 2-4 days after pulling tubes.

对照组结节无明显消退,数目亦未见减少。The number of subcutaneous muscular cysticerci in the control group was not reduced.

目的探讨MTT比色法与体内软组织皮下埋植试验的相关性。Objective To investigate the relation between MTT Assay and Subcutaneous Implant Test.

皮下损害的形象是向表面凸起,并间断地分泌出脓液。Disfiguring subcutaneous lesions bulge onto the surface and at intervals discharge pus.

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在第一阶段,锥虫在皮下组织、血液和淋巴中繁殖。In the first stage, the trypanosomes multiply in subcutaneous tissues, blood and lymph.

皮下避孕埋植剂是一种缓慢释放药物的装置。Subcutaneous implant for the contraception is a device with sustained release property.

术后复查有1例病灶残留,皮肤淤血5例,局部血肿7例。Subcutaneous ecchymosis was found in 5 patients and hematoma in 7 patients after operation.

方法昆明小鼠双侧胸皮下接种S180肉瘤腹水瘤液制成肿瘤模型。Methods The cancer model was made by subcutaneous injection of S180 ascites on Kunming mice.

远红外线是在所有太阳光中最能够深入皮肤和皮下组织的一种射线。Among the sun's rays, the far infrared ray can go deepest into skin and subcutaneous tissues.

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采用皮肤刺激、皮内刺激、眼刺激法考察其刺激作用。The local irritation of the sponge was investigated by skin, subcutaneous and eye application.

大部分的病人其脂层炎发生于四肢及躯干的皮下脂肪组织层炎。In most cases, panniculitis is located in the subcutaneous layer of four extremities and trunk.

她切开皮肤和皮下脂肪层,对不断流血的腹壁置之不理。She sliced through the skin and subcutaneous fat, ignoring the bleeding from the abdominal wall.