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辅音可发声也可不发声。A consonant can either be unvoiced or voiced.

经过长时间的谈判,最后我们达成默契。After a long negotiation, we at last reached an unvoiced pact.

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而无声的笑更多的是有意识的表达。Unvoiced laughter, however, is more of a conscious expression.

身态语言是指人身体的动作,是不出声的语言。Body language refers to the body's movement and it is unvoiced language.

无声的,但是,羞愧和厌恶的混合物从他嗓子后面升起。Unvoiced , however, a mixture of shame and disgust rose in the back of his throat.

仿真结果表明,该方法可以分离清音和浊音信号。The simulation results show that the proposed method can separate unvoiced and voiced signals.

我们来看最简单的一种-根据辅音是发声的还是不发声的来区分。But let's look at one of the simplest classifications, whether the consonants are voiced or unvoiced.

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而小孩子发出有声的笑可能比无声的笑更多,因为他们还没学会有目的的笑。Young children may express more voiced than unvoiced laughter, as they haven't yet learned to purposely laugh.

如果你读一个词,是以清辅音为结尾的,你会注意到,清辅音前边的元音读得很短促。When you have a word ending in an unvoiced consonant, you will notice that the preceding vowel is said quite quickly.

第三,本文对广卡话中“浊音不浊”以及“一个半音节”现象进行了讨论。Last, the author discussess two starnge phenomenons in Guangka language, "unvoiced voiced" and "one and a half syllable".

脸谱的纹理和色彩虽然千变万化,但它所代表的类别和意义却是约定俗成的,是演员和观众之间无声的语言。Despite the varying lines or colors, each pattern represents a conventional message, unvoiced but understandable to the audience.

此外,相关的增强的清音信号可以被有效地分离,通过使用递推最小二乘算法。In addition, the correlation-enhanced unvoiced signal can be effectively separated by using the recursive least squares algorithm.

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在此,我指的是许多无声知识的重复发现以及我们通过图像偶然发现的观点和想象。And by this, I mean the many overlapping discoveries of unvoiced knowledge, feelings and imagination that we stumble upon via images.

我经常希望你可以问下我“你工作怎么样”或者是“你住的怎么样”,而且当我希望的时候你总是能满足我,我应该当它是一个无声的约定么?I often expect that you can ask me"how's your work" or "how's your dwell", and you always satisfied me when I'm expecting, shall I refer it as an unvoiced pact?

该算法结合了声学分类,对噪声、清音和浊音加以区分,最后给出了仿真结果,证明其稳健性和有效性。This algorithm classifies the speech signal into noise, voiced and unvoiced sounds by using the phonetic classification. The simulation result proves its validity and robustness.