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树木稀疏。The trees are sparse.

稀疏查找类型。The sparse lookup type.

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眉毛或睫毛稀疏、色浅。Sparse eyebrows or eyelashes, Light.

感情不因远而疏。Feelings are not far from the sparse.

丹那沙林人口密度不大。Tenasserim had a very sparse population.

鹦鹉嘴龙的尾巴上就长着稀疏的单纤维羽毛。It had sparse single filaments along its tail.

迈克尔原本的头发很少很稀,所以接上了假发。MJ's hair "was sparse" and connected to a wig.

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黎明到来了.稀稀落落的树干开始渐渐显露出来。Dawn comes. The sparse tree trunks take on color now.

爷爷的秃头上仅有几根发。Grandpa is bald-headed except for a few sparse hairs.

事实上,屋中的家具装饰却是少而精致。The furniture and decorations were sparse and dainty.

其它还有疏林草原和荒漠植被。Others are sparse forest steppe and desert vegetation.

在那些稀疏树木间,有一些很矮的土堆以点状分布。Dotted amongst the sparse trees were a dozen low mounds.

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花开不并百花丛,独自疏篱趣未穷。The hundred flowers alone and not poor, sparse hedge fun.

它们厚实的象皮长有刚毛和敏感的毛发。Their thick hide sports sparse bristles and sensory hairs.

不可以在稀疏查找中使用批量访问方法。The bulk access method can not be used for a sparse lookup.

机会对于中国的小投机商来说少得可怜。OPPORTUNITIES are sparse for China’s small-time speculators.

陆域集疏条件影响库场的周转。Land sparse conditions set affect the library market turnover.

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他们的草屋,稀稀疏疏的在雨里静默着。Their thatched -roofed hut, sparse is being silent in the rain.

朦胧疏烟湿芳草,摇落微风生白苹。Hazy smoke sparse grass wet, shake off the breeze, a white apple.

阶下青苔与红树,雨中寥落月中愁。Order under the moss and mangrove, Sparse rain in mid-depression.