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所以这是max,val函数。So here's max val.

它调用的是老的max,val函数。It's calling the old max val.

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我要把他们保存在val里。I'm going to store that into val.

法尔弹掉香烟上的烟灰。Val flipped the ash off his cigarette.

如果他去坐牢,薇尔怎么办?If he goes to jail, what happens to Val?

面向数值的算法语言?。VAL? Value – Oriented Algorithmic Language?

意大利诺托谷的晚期巴罗克风格城镇。Late Baroque towns of the Val di Noto, Italy.

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读瓦尔·麦克德米德、斯特拉·达菲及萨拉·沃特斯的文章。Read Val McDermid, Stella Duffy and Sarah Waters.

你听见过瓦尔演奏他的小型钢琴吗?Have you ever listened jto Val play his baby grand?

维尔主导公司里的康乐委员会。Val heads up the entertainment committee in his office.

当元素的"att"属性值设置为"val"时,匹配成功。Match when the element's "att" attribute value is exactly "val".

阿滑雪者火车之前加尔代纳山谷的世界杯速降比赛12月16日。A skier trains ahead of the Val Gardena World Cup Downhill December 16.

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然后我会调用快速maxval函数,而它是基于这个额外变量memo的。And then I'll call fast max val passing at this extra argument of the memo.

他和他太太薇尔在这里已经有了一套固定的生活模式,从联系人,到特制的面包车,到改装过的机械床。He and Val have a routine here, contacts, a special van, a custom mechanical bed.

乌鸦飞过塞尔瓦迪VAL加迪纳2007年12月8日,意大利北部的滑雪胜地。Crows fly over the northern Italian ski resort of Selva Di Val Gardena December 8, 2007.

我不打算调用其他,因为我们知道当,我这么做会发生什么。max val I'm not going to call the other max val here, because we know what happens when I do that.

瓦尔看着酒液缓缓倒入他的酒杯,陈酒的油花在杯中闪耀着。Val watched the slow liquid filling his glass, the essential oil of the old wine glazing the surface.

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目的探讨辛伐他汀联合非诺贝特治疗混合性高脂血症的价值。Objective To discuss the val ue of simvastatin plus fenofibrate for the treatment of mixed hyperlipemia.

并籍此认为,西方效用论的谬误之处在于将价格与价值的概念混为一谈。On this ground, the fallaciousness of the western utility theory lies in confusing the notation of the price and val.

法尔从逼使他作出这样决定的冲动下恢复过来,恶意地从睫毛下面看看他。Recovering from the impetus which had carried him to that decision, Val looked at him maliciously from under his lashes.