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花序二歧的聚伞花序。Inflorescences a dichotomous cyme.

二分类数据不应作计数资料处理。Count data should not be treated they are dichotomous data.

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开篇他就提出了媒体类型使用相关的两分观点。He starts with the stating dichotomous views on the use of media types.

他们简单地用一种两分法划为上、中、下等阶级。They defined simply by a dichotomous division within the upper , middle, and lower classes.

二歧人性观的流行使心理健康研究陷入了困境。Prevailing in dichotomous view of human nature, mental health research has been in the predicament.

为了更好地说明这一点,以下是一些满有意思的例子,采用二分法来对比一些家喻户晓的品牌。To illustrate the point, below are some fun and interesting universal brand identities with dichotomous stances.

对连续性数据及二分法的数据各自以标准平均差及相对风险来比较。The standardised mean difference and relative risk were used for continuous data and dichotomous data comparisons, respectively.

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研究了系统固有频率受二值噪声扰动时,调制二值噪声驱动二阶过阻尼线性系统的随机共振现象。The phenomena of stochastic resonance of an over-damped second-order linear system with modulated dichotomous noise are investigated.

请评估'变质药记者试图探讨“从思维的观点,事实与价值的二分点”的新途径。Please evaluate alterative journalists' attempts to explore" new ways of thinking"from the dichotomous point of view-facts versus values.

二叉或两分支的系统,尽管有其自身规则,是属于人们所发明的最人为的安排之一。Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented.

这最终的文书,它普遍性的亲切被偶然闪现的野蛮嘲讽所破坏,呈现出作者的分裂性格。This final essay, its prevailing kindliness marred by occasional flaITs of savage irony, bespeaks the dichotomous character of the author.

这最终的文章,它普遍性的亲切被偶然闪现的野蛮嘲讽所破坏,显示出作者的分裂性格。This final essay, its prevailing kindliness marred by occasional flashes of savage irony, bespeaks the dichotomous character of the author.

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对于我来说,这个私人空间只是另一所陌生的高楼大厦,是另一个苛刻的同样带有偏见的透镜,透过它来了解我自己。For me, at least, the closet emerged as another strange edifice, another harsh, warped, and dichotomous lens through which to understand myself.

研究了时间常数受非对称双值色噪声扰动的RC串联电路的随机共振现象。The phenomenon of stochastic resonance in an RC series circuit, whose time constant is fluctuated by asymmetric dichotomous noise, is investigated.

相对危险是用来总结二分法的结果,而标准化平均差及平均差这两者整合了连续的测量值。Relative risk was used to summarise dichotomous outcomes and both the standardised mean difference and mean difference to summarise continuous measures.

六西格玛哲学已经解决了这个二分法范式组织在其它领域的合作,旨在以同样方式在医疗器械领域。The Six Sigma philosophy has solved this dichotomous paradigm for organizations in other fields, and seeks to do the same for the medical devices field.

大多数川崎病冠状动脉受累和相关危险因素的研究是使用的日本卫生部二元分析标准。Background— Most studies of coronary artery inolement and associated risk factors in Kawasaki disease hae used the Japanese Ministry of Health dichotomous criteria.

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不同于这两个极端的意见,一些妇女提出了许多关于信用产品如何能更好地满足她们的特殊需求的意见。Instead of accepting this dichotomous framework, the women put forth a number of ideas for how credit products could be better designed to meet their specific needs.

另外,适当的噪声参数可以使系统的输出幅度增益大于无噪声时的输出幅度增益。In addition, by choosing appropriate parameters of the dichotomous noise and the system, the OAG of the noisy system can be larger than that of the noise-free system.

某些研究结论指向本族或非本族外语教师间,显现于教学法认识上之二分差异。Some research findings point to a dichotomous distinction between native and non-native foreign language teachers that is manifested in their pedagogical perceptions.