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鄞江镇的它山堰。The Tuoshan Weir in Yinjiang Town.

这个跨河的堰碉截并控制了上游的河流。The weir across the river stops or controls the flow of the river above it.

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影响堰式截流井的主要因素是堰高。As for the weir intercepting chamber, the main factor is the height of the weir.

铺设的电线,应采用护套线,其接头必须采用专用接头连接。Electronic weir should equipped with protection and linkers must be professional.

连续监测,显示,总计和数据记录或通过任何堰流水槽。Continuously monitor, display, totalize and data log flow through any flume or weir.

液面梯度随液体流量的增加而增加,随堰高的增加而增大。Gradient of liquid level increases with the increase of liquid flow and the height of weir.

改进后的撇油器溢油回收的效率大幅提高。Being improved, the recovery speed and efficiency of the weir skimmer are increased markedly.

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北约官员称赛德韦尔的离任在预料之中,因为他已到任期。NATO officials said the departure of the Oceanside Weir expected because he has come to term.

这些流量计在明渠测量中得到广泛地应用,通常是以水槽或堰的形式出现。These meters find wide use in open channel measurement and are usually a type of weir or flume.

说及金刚堰这条坝堰的名称来源,当地曾有这样一个传说。Weir said that King Kong and the source of the name of the weir dam , there was a local legend.

在水利工程中,闸堰出流是最为普遍的一种水力现象。In Hydraulic Engineering, the outflow of weir and sluice is the most common hydraulic phenomenon.

迷宫堰相较于直线堰,最大的优越性体现在它的泄流能力上。The labyrinth weir has the advantage of discharge capacity relative to that of the straight weir.

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溢流坝堰面的薄层钢筋混凝土和浆砌块石的爆破拆除直接在坝体上进行。Blasting demolition of thin RC weir surface and mortared rubble is directly conducted on spillway dam.

保水堰是分段低压输水管道中一种新型的衔接水工建筑物。Water-keeping weir is a new hydraulic linking structure for the stepped low-pressure delivery pipeline.

监测流经渠道畅通,部分满污水管道和水槽或无堰征收附加费管道。Monitor flow through open channels, partially full sewer pipes and surcharged pipes without a flume or weir.

鱼梁在这个宽阔的峡谷创作了一幅地景艺术作品,给人留下深刻的印象,使人联想到哈德逊河派绘画。In this broad valley, reminiscent of a Hudson River school painting, the weir made an impressive piece of land art.

利用三维计算机模拟技术,研究了窑坎在超薄浮法玻璃生产中对稳定熔窑内玻璃液流的作用。The function of the weir in the furnace of the thin float glass was studied by using three- mathematics simulation.

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公司坐落于景色秀丽的太湖之滨无锡市堰桥镇经济开发园园内。The company is located in the beautiful scenery of Taihu Lake in Wuxi City Park weir Town Economic Development Park.

然而对于堰体基础呈“高低脚”的闸室,该方法很不适用。However, the above method is not applicable for the gate chamber when the foundation of weir body is "high-low foot".

给出平板闸孔宽顶堰下游出流形式的简化判别方法。The discrimination method of downstream water pattern from broad crest weir in flat sluice was developed in this paper.