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咱们到迪斯科舞厅去。Free entry to discotheque.

本镇有迪斯科舞厅吗?。Is there a discotheque in this town?

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我为聚会安排了迪斯科舞厅。I've booked the discotheque for the party.

你去迪斯科舞厅跳过舞吗?。Do you go to the Discotheque and dance disco?

约翰及他的同夥走进了那家迪斯可舞厅。John and his crowd went into the discotheque.

请告诉我最大的迪斯科舞厅在哪里?。Please tell me where the largest discotheque is?

她有天晚上破天荒地去了一次当地的迪斯科舞厅。One evening, she made a rare outing to the local discotheque.

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今天,迪斯科舞厅娱乐与古典摇滚音乐人。Today, the discotheque entertains people with classical rock music.

开业十年前,这个迪斯科舞厅仍然维持其早期的概念。Opened 10 years ago, this discotheque still maintains its early concept.

酒店的客人可以不用付服务费进入迪斯可舞厅吗?Can guests enter this hotel's discotheque without paying a cover charge ?

现在解释一下,你为什么穿成去迪斯科舞厅的衣服,而且训练迟到了47分钟。Now explain why are you dressed for discotheque in and 47 minutes late for training.

随着夜色加深,宾客们从餐厅移往赌场、酒吧和夜总会。As the evening deepened, guests migrated from the restaurants to the casino, bar, and discotheque.

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很难想象在一间人头涌涌的士高里或者一场火辣非常的现场演出中没有超低音箱灌注那会是怎样的一个情景。It is quite hard to imagine how the sound would be in a discotheque or live show without subwoofers.

常客主要是男性,气氛和服务很不错,在这个夜晚迪斯科舞厅的乐趣。Frequenters are mainly males, the atmosphere and service is nice and nights are fun in this discotheque.

一个小道观里飘出来的檀香混杂着从迪斯科厅里流出的摇滚乐有力的节奏,浑然一体。Incense from a tiny Taoist temple drifts into the pounding beat of rock music pouring out of a discotheque.

大年初二开始,出嫁的女儿开始带着女婿还有孩子回娘家拜年。Annual zhengzhou start, marry my daughter started to take son-in-law, and children discotheque happy New Year.

同时,在一九八六年四月,一枚炸弹爆炸发生在一个迪斯科舞厅与西柏林美军的欢迎。And in April of nineteen eighty-six, a bomb exploded at a West Berlin discotheque popular with American troops.

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夜晚,我们去了一家迪斯科舞厅,那里挤满了跳着摇滚舞的年轻人。In the evening, we went to a discotheque which was swarming with youngsters dancing to Chinese and western rock.

最近更名为“因达斯特里亚”在迪斯科舞厅吸引着闪闪发光的白色和金属装饰的年轻人。Recently renamed "Indústria" discotheque attracts young people with its glimmering decoration in white and metals.

“迷你”迪斯科舞厅,设施豪华、环境幽雅,是情侣们约会的最佳选择。Mini Discotheque with luxurious equipment in a quiet and tasteful environment is the best meeting place for lovers.