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这些都是原型趋向动词。They are prototypical directional verbs.

文化交流是双向性的。The culture communication is bi directional.

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给出了一种新型电液数字换向阀。A new type of digital directional valve is presented.

病例设计必须有科学性、针对性、艺术性。It needs to be scientific, directional and artistical.

定向光向一个方向发出平行的光线。A directional light emits parallel rays in one direction.

合外力同时也是一个矢量,表示其具有方向。It's also a vector, meaning it has a directional component.

中国积极发展全方向的军事外交。China tries to develop omni- directional military diplomacy.

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此外,箔翼也能助进船箔的提升和保持方向的稳定。The foil winglets give added lift and directional stability.

基本上是的,那就是方向导数。And that's basically, yes, that's the directional derivative.

我们来用方向导数,来描述一下相同的东西。Let's say the same thing in terms of directional derivatives.

美国的领土扩驰是朝哪个方背的?。What was the directional flow of U. S. territorial expansion?

这种状况的发生是由于其特殊的结构型是。The structure is mainly composed of one- directional elements.

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振动料斗通常采用这种定向机构。The vibrating hopper usually adopts the directional mechanism.

自己动手做2.4G无线网络定向天线!Do-It-Yourself 2.4G wireless networks to do directional antenna!

一种带状定向耦合器场分布的求解。Solution of field distribution in stripline directional coupler.

让家更温馨,在家里得到全方位的提高。The home is warmer, which has the omni- directional enhancement.

本文介绍了一种新型的超宽带同轴定向耦合器。A novel ultra-broadband directional coaxial coupler is presented.

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它其实是那个方向的方向导数。Well, it's actually the directional derivative in that direction.

定向越野是定向运动的主要比赛项目之一。Orienteering is one of the directional movement of the main events.

新的方向滤波器组具有良好的方向和频率选择性。The new DFB can provide good directional and frequency selectivity.