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不需要摩尔人的长矛和弓箭。Stands not in need of Moorish spear or bow.

接下来几天,我们驱车到科尔多瓦,它是西班牙摩尔人的大城市。The following day we drove to cordoba, one of Spain's big Moorish cites.

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门户造成拱形,形状独特,跟摩尔风暴画片里所见的一样。All the doors are arched with the special arch we see in Moorish pictures.

下一站,我们继续驱车到格兰纳达,这是摩尔人的故乡,阿尔哈默布拉城堡。Next we drove on to Granada , home of the great Moorish fortress Alhambra.

这座犹太教堂因为有摩尔风格并和摩尔王宫相似而闻名。The synagogue was noted for its Moorish style and resemblance to the Alhambra.

弩弓在伊比利亚摩尔地区十分普及,无论贵族平民都颇为钟爱。Very popular in Moorish Iberia , the crossbow is used by peasants and noble alike.

大量来自北非的柏柏尔人现在定居于摩尔西班牙地区。Hailing from North Africa, many Berbers are now settled in the lands of Moorish Spain.

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地如其名,它几乎是最靠北的摩尔人定居点。As its name indicates, it was one of the Moorish settlements, and nearly one of the most northern.

今日的格拉纳达依然可见摩尔人的影响,但说起来,这些影响大多只是旅游业的点缀而已。Moorish influences can still be observed in Granada today, but they are now more of a touristy kind.

格拉纳达拥有西班牙最优美的摩尔式建筑,其中最壮观的是阿兰布拉宫。Granada houses are Spain's best Moorish constructions, the most magnificent of which is the Alhambra.

在西班牙的摩尔人的酋长国科尔多巴,科学和哲学研究广为盛行。Scientific and philosophical studies were disseminated through the Moorish emirate of Cordoba, Spain.

该城于492年为卡斯蒂利亚人攻陷,从而结束了摩尔人对西班牙的统治。The city was captured by Castilian troops in 492, ending Moorish control in Spain. Population, 25', 9.

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对这疾病的第一次可靠描述出现在1489年西班牙摩尔格兰纳达之围时期。The first reliable description of the disease appears during the Spanish siege of Moorish Granada in 1489.

随着世纪的摩尔人,柏柏尔文化,今天有一个很有趣的摩洛哥新老搭配。Along with centuries of Moorish and Berber culture, Morocco today has a very interesting mix of old and new.

该Dohany街犹太教堂在布达佩斯的设计像一个大教堂,包括拜占庭和摩尔元素。The Dohany Street Synagogue in Budapest is designed like a basilica and includes Byzantine and Moorish elements.

格兰纳达枪骑兵来自伊比利亚地区的摩尔族裔,是训练有素盔甲精良的重骑兵,冲锋威力惊人。Recruited in Moorish Iberia, these troops are trained and well equipped heavy cavalry, capable of deadly charges.

这个地区有壮观的摩尔式建筑,包括塞维利亚、格拉纳达和科尔多瓦等一些历史古镇。The area Contains magnifiCent Moorish arChiteCture, inCluding the historiC towns of Seville, Granada, and Córdoba.

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由于骁勇善战军纪严明,雷姆图纳部队在摩尔人最初征服西班牙和葡萄牙诸战役中厥功至伟。Renown for their fierceness and discipline, Lamtuna troops played a large role in the initial Moorish conquest of Spain and Portugal.

造纸业要么是通过希腊进入基督教世界,要么是因为基督教在又一次征服西班的过程中夺取了穆斯林的造纸厂。The manufacture entered Christendom either through Greece or by the capture of Moorish paper-mills during the Christian reconquest of Spain.

深受伊比利亚和摩尔战术风格影响,骑兵们摒弃了重装盔甲和骑枪,而代之以轻甲标枪。Influenced by both Iberian and Moorish light cavalry traditions, Jinetes shun heavy armour and lances in favour of light armour and javelins.