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她摇了摇头,“可以成为一个很优秀隐士的一个孤独者。”She shook her head. “A loner.

新兵阿申是一个有点孤独的人。Ah Seng, a recruit, was a bit of a loner.

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他写的日记令人惊讶不已,他不合群He wrote an amazing diary. He was a loner.

路说道,”他是一个孤独的虚无主义者,他什么都不相信。“He's a loner nihilist who believes in nothing,” Mr. Lu said.

“他是孤独的虚无主义者,没有信仰”,路金波说。“He’s a loner nihilist who believes in nothing, ” Mr. Lu said.

困难的事情我们马上做。不可能的事情需要稍微长一点的时间。The difficulty we do at once. The impassible takes a little loner.

除开首领伊格尔和落落寡合的贝卡,男孩们分成成两组。Apart from the leader Igel and the loner Béka, the boys formed two pairs.

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这一身居高位的孤独人的形象,明显是白宫想要塑造的。That image — the noble loner — is clearly one the White House wants to project.

凯利独来独往,他宣称自己没有朋友因为他不需要朋友。He was a loner who claims he didn’t have any friends because he didn’t want any.

他怀疑是孤家寡人的困难所经历的人际关系。He was suspected to be a loner with difficulty experienced during relationships.

麦克奈特,一位驰骋在充满邪恶与危险世界之中的勇士,年轻的。Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent.

政坛角力,菅直人输了一阵再一阵,已经是风声鹤唳、孤家寡人了。Political struggles, Naoto Kan lost for a while longer while, already jittery, a loner.

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虽则轻松自在地公开地讲话对他的不可靠,他在欧洲保持独来独往的人。Though at ease speaking publicly about his insecurities, he remained a loner in Europe.

水瓶座的一方太过孤僻,而你占有性过强,真有点水火不容的驾势。The Water-bearer is too much of a loner and you always want to own or possess your partner.

那时候我已经开始需要更多的独处的时间,这些让我更加成为独来独往的人。Already needing extended periods of time alone, my response was to become even more of a loner.

他独行侠和喜欢夜生活的作风,甚至无法让他好好处理正事或与助理有条不紊地沟通。A loner and a night-owl, he could not make office hours, or communicate systematically with his staff.

连交女兄弟也以节约为榜首考量,使到快四十的他仍是孤家寡人。Even brothers into female to save for the top consideration, make the quick forty he is still a loner.

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如果只是活在自己的感觉中,就会注意不到他人的存在,结果成了孤家寡人。If one lives only in his own feelings, he will not notice the existence of others and end up being a loner.

明白这些阶段能帮助我们确保团队的成员一起工作,防止出现早期的独行者。Understanding these phases can help us ensure that members of a group work together to overcome early loner.

事实上,有些跳舞大妈是孤家寡人,舞团就像她们的第二个家。As a matter of fact, some dancing lady is a loner with on family member at home, dancing group is like their second home.