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“你可以成为熊毛地毯,”一些人说。"You can be a bearskin rug, "said some people.

不要在抓住熊之前就把熊皮卖掉!Don't sell the bearskin before the bear was caught!

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车子,房子,还有火炉旁的熊皮地毯。Cars and houses, bearskin rugs to lie before my fire.

这些交易者被称作“熊皮批发商”,后演变为“熊”。These dealers were labelled "bearskin jobbers " and later, "bears.

当他们来到他的村庄,她看到其他人,都穿着熊皮斗篷。When they came to his village, she saw other people, all wearing bearskin cloaks.

女国会议员、电视女主播和一张梅厄夫人裹着熊皮毯的照片挂在更上面点。congresswomen, TV anchors, and a photo of Golda Meir on a bearskin rug are above.

当她弯腰舀起来,一个英俊的年轻男子出现,在熊皮外衣包裹着。As she bent to scoop them up, a handsome young man appeared, wrapped in a bearskin cloak.

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跟我来,」他对熊皮人说,「我的女儿都美如天仙,你挑一个作为你的妻子吧。Come with me, " he said to Bearskin . My daughters are all miracles of beauty. Choose one of them for your wife."

他穿着的鞋比刚发掘的这只鞋大约晚300年,鞋底是熊皮做的,鞋面则是鹿皮做的,此外还有树皮制成的网衣和草编织的袜子。His shoes, about 300 years younger than the Armenian shoe, had bearskin soles, deerskin panels, tree-bark netting and grass socks.

女王坐着维多利亚女王的1842年象牙马车离开白金汉宫,身着红色束腰外衣、头戴熊皮帽的菲利普亲王坐在她的身旁。The Monarch left Buckingham Palace in Queen Victoria's 1842 ivory carriage, seated next to Philip in his red tunic and bearskin hat.

威廉王子也参加了庆典,作为一名爱尔兰卫队上校,他身穿红色军装、头戴熊皮帽。Prince William took part in the ceremony as he is now Colonel of the Irish Guards and wore the famous scarlet tunic and bearskin hat.

当地时间12日,英国举行盛大皇家阅兵式,1400多名士兵身着红色传统制服,头戴熊皮高帽在伦敦街头列队,庆祝女王伊丽莎白二世84岁的官方生日。On Saturday, 1,400 soldiers in scarlet tunics and bearskin hats marched in London to celebrate the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.

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凭借其人造熊皮和豹”抛出,深绿色和金壁处理和花边胸衣灯,看起来很奇怪过度迷人。With its faux bearskin and leopard throws, a dark-green and gold wall treatment and lacy corset lamps, the overdone look is strangely enchanting.

PETA抗议为了制作女王御林军的礼帽而屠杀加拿大黑熊,并要求以合成纤维取代之。PETA was protesting against the slaughter of Canada black bears for the Queen's Guards' ceremonial bearskin hats and called to replace the fur with modern synthetic materials.